Conference contribution

Search results

  • 2007

    Production of intermediate-mass and heavy nuclei

    Thielemann, F.-K., Froehlich, C., Hirschi, R., Liebendoerfer, M., Dillmann, I., Mocelj, D., Rauscher, T., Martinez-Pinedo, G., Langanke, K., Farouqi, K., Kratz, K. L., Pfeiffer, B., Panov, I., Nadyozhin, D. K., Blinnikov, S., Bravo, E., Hix, W. R., Hoflich, P. & Zinner, N. T., 2007, Progress in Particle and Neclear Physics. Elsevier, p. 74-93 20 p. (Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics; vol. 59, no. 1).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    16 Citations (Scopus)
  • Simulations of cosmic chemical enrichment with hypernova

    Kobayashi, C., 2007, CRAL-2006 Chemodynamics: From First Stars to Local Galaxies. Emsellem, E. (ed.). EDP Sciences, p. 245-250 6 p. (EAS Publications Series; vol. 24).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • Six New ZZ Ceti Stars from the SPY and the HQS Surveys

    Voss, B., Koester, D., Ostensen, R., Napiwotzki, R., Homeier, D. & Reimers, D., 2007, In: Procs of the 15th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conf Series 372. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 583-586

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    32 Downloads (Pure)
  • Spectroscopic Analysis of Subluminous B Stars in Binaries with Compact Companions

    Geier, S., Karl, C., Edelmann, H., Heber, U. & Napiwotzki, R., 2007, In: Procs of the 15th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conf Series 372. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 401-406

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    31 Downloads (Pure)
  • Testing Magnetic Braking: The X-ray Activity of M Dwarfs in Pre-Cataclysmic Variable Systems

    Briggs, K. R., Napiwotzki, R., Maxted, P. F. L. & Wheatley, P. J., 2007, In: Procs of the 15th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conf Series 372. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 497-500

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    30 Downloads (Pure)
  • The Fraction of DA White Dwarfs with Kilo-Gauss Magnetic Fields

    Jordan, S., Aznar Cuadrado, R., Napiwotzki, R., Schmid, H. M. & Solanki, S. K., 2007, In: Procs of the 15th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conf Series 372. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 169-172

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    42 Citations (Scopus)
    41 Downloads (Pure)
  • The n-TOF facility at CERN

    The n_TOF Collaboration, 2007, 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications and Utilization of Accelerators, ACCAPP'07. p. 821-826 6 p. (8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications and Utilization of Accelerators, ACCAPP'07).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • The Origins of the Ultramassive White Dwarf GD50

    Dobbie, P. D., Napiwotzki, R., Lodieu, N., Burleigh, M. R., Barstow, M. A. & Jameson, R. F., 2007, In: Procs of the 15th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conf Series 372. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 79-84

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    51 Downloads (Pure)
  • The role of fission in the r-process

    Martinez-Pinedo, G., Mocelj, D., Zinner, N. T., Kelic, A., Langanke, K., Panov, I., Pfeiffer, B., Rauscher, T., Schmidt, K.-H. & Thielemann, F.-K., 2007, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. Elsevier, p. 199-205 7 p. (Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics; vol. 59, no. 1).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    56 Citations (Scopus)
  • The star formation history of early-type galaxies

    GALEX Team, 2007, The 3rd Mexico-Korea Conference on Astrophysics: Telescopes of the Future and San Pedro Martir. Kurtz, S., Franco, J., Hong, S., Garcia-Segura, G., Santillan, A., Kim, J. & Han, I. (eds.). Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM, Vol. 28. p. 109-112 (Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica: Serie de Conferencias; vol. 28).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    2 Citations (Scopus)
  • The Subdwarf B + White Dwarf Binary KPD 1930+2752, a Supernova Type Ia Progenitor Candidate

    Geier, S., Nesslinger, S., Heber, U., Przybilla, N., Napiwotzki, R. & Kudritzki, R.-P., 2007, In: 15th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conf Series 372. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 393-396

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    98 Citations (Scopus)
    40 Downloads (Pure)
  • White Dwarfs in the European Galactic Plane Surveys (EGAPS)

    Morales-Rueda, L., Groot, P., Napiwotzki, R. & Drew, J. E., 2007, In: 15th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conf Series 372. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 151-157

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    50 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2006

    Measurement at n_TOF of the237Np(n,γ) and 240Pu(n,γ) cross sections for the transmutation of nuclear waste

    The n_TOF Collaboration, 31 Dec 2006, PHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics. (PHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics; vol. 2006).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • KADoNiS- The Karlsruhe astrophysical database of nucleosynthesis in stars

    Dillmann, I., Heil, M., Käppeler, F., Plag, R. & Rauscher, T., 13 Mar 2006, CAPTURE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED TOPICS: 12th International Symposium. p. 123-127 5 p. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 819).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Measurement of the resonance capture cross section of 204,206Pb and termination of the s-process

    The n_TOF Collaboration, 13 Mar 2006, CAPTURE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED TOPICS: 12th International Symposium. p. 288-292 5 p. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 819).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • The Nature of X-ray Absorbed Starburst QSOs and the QSO Evolutionary Scheme

    Page, M. J., Carrera, F. J., Ebrero, J., Stevens, J. & Ivison, R. J., 1 Jan 2006, The X-ray Universe 2005: Proceedings of 'The X-ray Universe 2005'., A. ~. (ed.). European Space Agency (ESA), Vol. 604. p. 647 2 p. (ESA Special Publication; vol. 604).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    58 Downloads (Pure)
  • The XMM-Newton and Spitzer View of Galaxy/AGN Formation at z = 2-3

    Carrera, F. J., Ebrero, J., Page, M. J. & Stevens, J., 1 Jan 2006, The X-ray Universe 2005: Proceedings of 'The X-ray Universe 2005'., A. ~. (ed.). European Space Agency (ESA), Vol. 604. p. 509-514 6 p. (ESA Special Publication; vol. 604).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    56 Downloads (Pure)
  • An updated library of reaction rates for the astrophysical rp-process.

    Sakharuk, A., Elliot, T., Fisker, J. L., Hemingray, S., Kruizenga, A., Rauscher, T., Schatz, H., Smith, K., Thielemann, F.-K. & Wiescher, M., 2006, Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Woehr, A. & Aprahamian, A. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 118-122 5 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 819).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    5 Citations (Scopus)
  • Elastic alpha-scattering on proton rich nuclei at astrophysically relevant energies

    Fulop, Z., Galaviz, D., Gyurky, G., Kiss, G. G., Mate, Z., Mohr, P., Rauscher, T., Somorjai, E. & Zilges, A., 2006, Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies: New Horizon of Nuclear Astrophysics and Cosmology. Kubono, S. (ed.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 351-356 6 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 847).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    2 Citations (Scopus)
  • Implications of Sm-151(n,gamma) cross section at n_TOF

    Marrone, S., Abbondanno, U., Aerts, G., Alvarez, H., Alvarez-Velarde, F., Andriamonje, S., Andrzejewski, J., Assimakopoulos, P., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., Baumann, P., Bevcar, F., Berthoumieux, E., Calvino, F., Cano-Ott, D., Capote, R., De Albornoz, A. C., Cennini, P., Chepell, V. & Chiaveri, E. & 101 others, Colonna, N., Cortes, G., Couture, A., Cox, J., David, S., Dolfini, R., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dahlfors, M., Dridi, W., Duran, I., Eleftheriadis, C., Embid-Segura, M., Ferrant, L., Feffari, A., Ferreira-Marques, R., Fitzpatrick, L., Frais-Koelb, H., Fujii, K., Furman, W., Guerrer, C., Goncalves, I., Goverdovski, A., Gramegna, F., Griesmayer, E., Gunsing, F., Haas, B., Haight, R., Heil, M., Herrera-Martinez, A., Igashira, M., Isaev, S., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Kappeler, F., Karamanis, D., Karadimos, D., Kerveno, M., Ketlerov, V., Koehler, P., Konovalov, V., Kossionides, E., Krticka, M., Lamboudis, C., Leeb, H., Lindote, A., Lopes, I., Lozano, M., Lukic, S., Marganiec, J., Marques, L., Mastinu, P., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Moreau, C., Mosconi, M., Neves, F., Oberhummer, H., O'Brien, S., Oshima, M., Pancin, J., Papachristodoulou, C., Papadopoulos, C. T., Paradela, C., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Pavlopoulos, P., Perrot, L., Plag, R., Plompen, A., Plukis, A., Poch, A., Pretel, C., Quesada, J., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rosetti, M., Rubbia, C., Rudolf, G., Rullhusen, P., Salgado, J., Sarchiapone, L., Savvidis, I., Stephan, C., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tassan-Got, L., Tavora, L., Terlizzi, R., Dillmann, I., Vannini, G., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Villamarin, D., Vincente, M. C., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Voss, F., Walter, S., Wendler, H., Wiescher, M. & Wisshak, K., 2006, Frontiers in Nuclear Structure Astrophysics, and Reactions: FINUSTAR. Harissopulos, S., Demetriou, P. & Julin, R. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 502-504 3 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 831).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Jet Kinematics of AGNs at High Radio Frequencies

    Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Lister, M., Stirling, A. M., Cawthorne, T. V., Gomez, J.-L., Gear, W. K., Stevens, J. A., Robson, E. I., Smith, P. S. & Forster, J. R., 2006, In: Procs of the Blazar Variability Workshop II: Entering the GLAST Era - ASP Conf Series 350. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 149-154

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    38 Downloads (Pure)
  • Measurement of La-139(n, gamma) cross section

    Terlizzi, R., Abbondanno, U., Acrts, G., Alvarez, H., Alvarcz-Vclardc, F., Andriamonjc, S., Andrzcjcwski, J., Assimakopoulos, P., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., Baumann, P., Becvar, F., Berthoumieux, E., Calvino, F., Cano-Ott, D., Capote, R., Albornoz, A. C., Cennini, P., Chepel, V. & Chiaveri, E. & 98 others, Colonna, N., Cortes, G., Couture, A., Cox, J., Dahlfors, M., David, S., Dolfini, R., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dridi, W., Duran, R. B., Eleftheriadis, C., Embid-Segura, M., Ferrant, L., Ferrari, A., Ferreira-Marques, R., Fitzpatrick, L., Frais-Koclbl, H., Fujii, K., Furman, W., Gallino, R., Gonzalez-Romero, E., Goverdovski, A., Gramegna, F., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Gunsing, F., Haas, B., Haight, R., Heil, M., Herrera-Martinez, A., Lgashira, M., Isaev, S., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Kappeler, F., Karamanis, D., Karadimos, D., Kerveno, M., Ketlerov, V., Kochler, P., Kossionides, E., Krticka, M., Lamboudis, C., Leeb, H., Lindote, A., Lozano, M., Lukic, S., Marganiec, J., Marques, L., Marrone, S., Mastinu, P., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Moreau, C., Mosconi, M., Neves, F., Oberhummer, H., O'Brien, S., Oshima, M., Pancin, J., Papachristodoulou, C., Papadopoulos, C., Paradela, C., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Pavlopoulos, P., Perrot, L., Plag, R., Plompen, A., Plukis, A., Poch, A., Pretel, C., Quesada, J., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rosetti, M., Rubbia, C., Rudolf, G., Rullhusen, P., Salgado, J., Sarchiapone, L., Stephan, C., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tassan-Got, L., Tavora, L., Vannini, G., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Villamarin, D., Vincente, M. C., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Voss, F., Walter, S., Wendler, H., Wiescher, M. & Wisshak, K., 2006, Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Woehr, A. & Aprahamian, A. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 283-287 5 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 819).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Measurement of La-139(n,gamma) cross section at n_TOF

    Terlizzi, R., Abbondanno, U., Aerts, G., Alvarez, H., Alvarez-Velarde, F., Andriamonje, S., Andrzejewski, J., Assimakopoulos, P., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., Baumann, P., Becvar, F., Berthoumieux, E., Calvino, F., Cano-Ott, D., Capote, R., Carrillo de Albornoz, A., Cennini, P., Chepel, V. & Chiaveri, E. & 103 others, Colonna, N., Cortes, G., Couture, A., Cox, J., David, S., Dolfini, R., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dalhfors, M., Dridi, W., Duran, I., Eleftheriadis, C., Embid-Segura, M., Ferrant, L., Ferrari, A., Ferreira-Marques, R., Fitzpatrick, L., Frais-Koelbl, H., Fujii, K., Furman, W., Guerrero, C., Goncalves, I., Gallino, R., Gonzalez-Romero, E., Goverdovski, A., Gramegna, F., Griesmayer, E., Gunsing, F., Haas, B., Haight, R., Heil, M., Herrera-Martinez, A., Igashira, M., Isaev, S., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Kaeppeler, F., Karamanis, D., Karadimos, D., Kerveno, M., Ketlerov, V., Koehler, P., Konovalov, V., Kossionides, E., Krticka, M., Lamboudis, C., Leeb, H., Lindote, A., Lopes, I., Lozano, M., Lukic, S., Marganiec, J., Marques, L., Marrone, S., Mastinu, P., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Moreau, C., Mosconi, M., Neves, F., Oberhummer, H., O'Brien, S., Oshima, M., Pancin, J., Papachristodoulou, C., Papadopoulous, C. T., Paradela, C., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Pavlopoulos, P., Perrot, L., Plag, R., Plompen, A., Plukis, A., Poch, A., Pretel, C., Quesada, J., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rosetti, M., Rubbia, C., Rudolf, G., Rullhusen, P., Salgado, J., Sarchiapone, L., Savvidis, I., Stephan, C., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tassan-Got, L., Tavora, L., Dillmann, I., Vannini, G., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Villamarin, D., Vincente, M. C., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Voss, F., Walter, S., Wendler, H., Wiescher, M. & Wisshak, K., 2006, Frontiers in Nuclear Structure Astrophysics, and Reactions: FINUSTAR. Harissopulos, S., Demetriou, P. & Julin, R. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 551-553 3 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 831).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of234U in n_TOF at CERN

    The n_TOF Collaboration, 2006, PHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics. (PHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics; vol. 2006).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of236U

    The n_TOF Collaboration, 2006, PHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics. (PHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics; vol. 2006).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Neutron capture cross section measurements at n_TOF of Np-237, Pu-240 and Am-243 for the transmutation of nuclear waste

    Cano-Ott, D., Abbondanno, U., Aerts, G., Alvarez, H., Alvarez-Velarde, F., Andriamonje, S., Andrzejewski, J., Assimakopoulos, P., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., Baumann, P., Becvar, F., Berthoumieux, E., Calvino, F., Capote, R., Carrillo de Albornoz, A., Cennini, P., Chepel, V., Chiaveri, E. & Colonna, N. & 31 others, Cortes, G., Couture, A., Cox, J., Dahlfors, M., David, S., Dillman, R., Dolfini, R., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dridi, W., Duran, R. B., Eleftheriadis, C., Embid-Segura, M., Ferrant, L., Ferrari, A., Ferreira-Marques, R., Fitzpatrick, L., Frais-Koelbl, H., Fujii, K., Furman, W., Gallino, R., Goncalves, I. F., Gonzalez-Romero, E., Goverdovski, A., Gramegna, F., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Gunsing, F., Haas, B., Haight, R., Rauscher, T. & n TOF Collaborat, 2006, Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Woehr, A. & Aprahamian, A. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 318-322 5 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 819).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    3 Citations (Scopus)
  • Neutron captures and the r-process

    Farouqi, K., Kratz, K. L., Pfeiffer, B., Rauscher, T. & Thielemann, R. K., 2006, Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics: 12th Int Symposium. Woehr, A. & Aprahamian, A. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 419-422 4 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 819).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    11 Citations (Scopus)
  • Radiative capture reactions and alpha-elastic scattering on Cd-106 for the astrophysical p-process

    Gyurky, G., Elekes, Z., Kiss, G. G., Fulop, Z., Somorjai, E., Mate, Z., Goerres, J., Palumbo, A., Wiescher, A., Lee, H. Y., Ozkan, N., Guray, R. T., Efe, G., Galaviz, D., Kretschmer, A., Sonnabend, K., Zilges, A. & Rauscher, T., 2006, Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Woehr, A. & Aprahamian, A. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 201-205 5 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 819).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • The Halo Lithium Plateau: Outstanding Issues

    Ryan, S. G. & Elliott, L., 2006, Chemical Abundances and Mixing in Stars in the Milky Way and its Satellites: Procs of ESO Workshop. Pasquini, L. & Randich, S. (eds.). Springer Nature , p. 185-190

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    40 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2005

    A 1200um MAMBO Survey of the ELAIS N2 and Lockman Hole East Fields

    Greve, T. R., Ivison, R. J., Bertoldi, F., Stevens, J., Chapman, S. C., Smail, I. & Blain, A. W., 2005, Multiwavelength Mapping of Galaxy Formation and Evolution: ESO Astrophysics Symposia, 2005. Renzini, A. & Bender, R. (eds.). Springer Nature , p. 390-391

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    112 Downloads (Pure)
  • A Model of the Local WD Population

    Schroder, K. P., Napiwotzki, R. & Pauli, E. M., 2005, In: Procs of the 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conference Series 334. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 93-98

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    51 Downloads (Pure)
  • CanariCam-Polarimetry: A Dual-Beam 10 m Polarimeter for the GTC

    Packham, C., Hough, J. & Telesco, C. M., 2005, In: Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions - ASP Conf Series 343. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 38-42

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    29 Downloads (Pure)
  • DAZ White Dwarfs in the SPY Sample

    Koester, D., Rollenhagen, K., Napiwotzki, R., Voss, B., Christlieb, N., Homeier, D. & Reimers, D., 2005, In: Procs of the 14TH European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conference Series 334. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 215-220

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    33 Downloads (Pure)
  • Ejecta and the Late Stages of Stellar Evolution

    Gledhill, T., 2005, In: Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions - ASP Conf Series 343. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 243-254

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    83 Downloads (Pure)
  • First Results from THINGS: The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey

    Walter, F., Brinks, E., de Blok, W. J. G., Thornley, M. D. & Kennicutt, R. C., 2005, In: EXTRA-PLANAR GAS - ASP Conf Series 331. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 269-274

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    5 Citations (Scopus)
    145 Downloads (Pure)
  • First SCUBA Polarimetry of Two Candidate High-Mass Protostellar Objects

    Curran, R., Chrysostomou, A., Collett, J., Aitken, D. & Jenness, T., 2005, In: Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions, ASP Conference Series 343. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 185-186

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    45 Downloads (Pure)
  • High-resolution study of Np-237 fission cross section from 5 eV to 1 MeV

    Furman, W., Cennini, P., Ketlerov, V., Goverdovski, A., Konovalov, V., Abbondanno, U., Aerts, G., Alvarez, H., Alvarez-Velarde, F., Andriamonje, S., Andrzejewski, J., Assimakopoulos, P., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., Baumann, P., Becvar, F., Benlliure, J., Berthoumieux, E., Calvino, F. & Cano-Ott, D. & 103 others, Capote, R., de Albornoz, A. C., Chepel, V., Chiaveri, E., Colonna, N., Cortes, G., Cortina, D., Couture, A., Cox, J., David, S., Dolfini, R., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dorochenko, A., Dridi, W., Duran, R. B., Embid-Segura, M., Ferrant, L., Ferrari, A., Ferreira-Marques, R., Fitzpatrick, L., Frais-Koelbl, H., Fujii, K., Guerrero, C., Goncalves, I. F., Gallino, R., Gonzalez-Romero, E., Gramegna, F., Griesmayer, E., Gunsing, F., Haas, B., Haight, R., Heil, M., Herrera-Martinez, A., Igashira, M., Isaev, S., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Kappeler, F., Karamanis, D., Karadimos, D., Kerveno, M., Koehler, P., Kolokolov, D., Kossionides, E., Krticka, M., Lamboudis, C., Leeb, H., Lindote, A., Lopes, I., Lozano, M., Lukic, S., Marganiec, J., Marques, L., Marrone, S., Mastinu, P., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Moreau, C., Mosconi, M., Neves, F., Oberhummer, H., O'Brien, S., Oshima, M., Pancin, J., Papachristodoulou, C., Papadopoulos, C., Paradela, C., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Pavlopoulos, P., Perrot, L., Plag, R., Plompen, A., Plukis, A., Poch, A., Pretel, C., Quesada, J., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rosetti, M., Rubbia, C., Rudolf, G., Rullhusen, P., Salgado, J., Sarchiapone, L., Sedysheva, M., Stephan, C., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tassan-Got, L., Tavora, L., Terlizzi, R., Vannini, G., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Villamarin, D., Vincente, M. C., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Voss, F., Wendler, H., Wiescher, M. & Wisshak, K., 2005, Int Conf on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology. Haight, R. C. (ed.). MELVILLE: American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 1039-1042 4 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 769).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    2 Citations (Scopus)
  • HL Tau: 3-D Polarisation Modelling and Magnetic Field Structure

    Lucas, P. W., Fukagawa, M., Tamura, M., Chrysostomou, A. & Beckford, A., 2005, In: Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions - ASP Conf Series 343. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 138-142

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    38 Downloads (Pure)
  • Identification of a DO White Dwarf and a PG1159 Star in the ESO SN Ia Progenitor Survey (SPY)

    Werner, K., Rauch, T., Napiwotzki, R., Christlieb, N., Reimers, D. & Karl, C., 2005, In: Procs of the 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conf Series 334. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 221-224

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    31 Downloads (Pure)
  • Kilo-Gauss Magnetic Fields in Three DA White Dwarfs

    Aznar Cuadrado, R., Jordan, S., Napiwotzki, R., Schmid, H. M., Solanki, S. K. & Mathys, G., 2005, In: Procs of the 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conference Series 334. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 159-164

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    40 Downloads (Pure)
  • Measurement of capture cross sections of 90,91,92,94,96Zr isotopes at n_TOF

    Moreau, C., Fujii, K., Tagliente, G., Abbondanno, U., Aerts, G., Alvarez, H., Alvarez-Velarde, F., Andriamonje, S., Andrzejewski, J., Assimakopoulos, P., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., Baumann, P., Becvar, F., Benlliure, J., Berthoumieux, E., Calvino, F., Cano-Ott, D., Capote, R. & de Albornoz, A. C. & 100 others, Cennini, P., Chepel, V., Chiaveri, E., Colonna, N., Cortes, G., Cortina, D., Couture, A., Cox, J., David, S., Dolfini, R., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dridi, W., Duran, R. B., Embid-Segura, M., Ferrant, L., Ferrari, A., Fitzpatrick, L., Frais-Koelbl, H., Furman, W., Gallino, R., Goncalves, I. F., Gonzalez-Romero, E., Goverdovski, A., Gramegna, F., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Gunsing, F., Haas, B., Haight, R., Heil, M., Herrera-Martinez, A., Igashira, M., Isaev, S., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Kappeler, F., Karamanis, D., Karadimos, D., Kerveno, M., Ketlerov, V., Koehler, P., Konovalov, V., Kossionides, E., Krticka, M., Lamboudis, C., Leeb, H., Lindote, A., Lopes, I., Lozano, M., Lukic, S., Marganiec, J., Marques, L., Marrone, S., Mastinu, P., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Mosconi, M., Neves, F., Oberhummer, H., O'Brien, S., Oshima, M., Pancin, J., Papachristodoulou, C., Papadopoulos, C., Papaevangelou, T., Paradela, C., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Pavlopoulos, P., Perrot, L., Plag, R., Plompen, A., Plukis, A., Poch, A., Pretel, C., Quesada, J., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rosetti, M., Rubbia, C., Rudolf, G., Rullhusen, P., Salgado, J., Sarchiapone, L., Stephan, C., Tain, J. L., Tassan-Got, L., Tavora, L., Terlizzi, R., Vannini, G., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Villamarin, D., Vincente, M. C., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Voss, F., Wendler, H., Wiescher, M. & Wisshak, K., 2005, Int Conf on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Pts 1 and 2. Haight, R. C., Chadwick, M. B., Kawano, T. & Talou, P. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 880-883 4 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 769).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Measurement of the Th-232 neutron capture cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility

    Aerts, G., Abbondanno, U., Alvarez, H., Alvarez-Velarde, F., Andriamonje, S., Andrzejewski, J., Assimakopoulos, P., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., Baumann, P., Becvar, F., Benlliure, J., Berthoumieux, E., Calvino, F., Cano-Ott, D., Capote, R., de Albornoz, A. C., Cennini, P., Chepel, V. & Chiaveri, E. & 100 others, Colonna, N., Cortes, G., Cortina, D., Couture, A., Cox, J., David, S., Dolfini, R., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dridi, W., Duran, R. B., Embid-Segura, M., Ferrant, L., Ferrari, A., Fitzpatrick, L., Ferreira-Marques, R., Frais-Koelbl, H., Fujii, K., Furman, W., Guerrero, C., Goncalves, I. F., Gallino, R., Gonzalez-Romero, E., Goverdovski, A., Gramegna, F., Griesmayer, E., Gunsing, F., Haas, B., Haight, R., Heil, M., Herrera-Martinez, A., Igashira, M., Isaev, S., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Kappeler, F., Karamanis, D., Karadimos, D., Kerveno, M., Ketlerov, V., Koehler, P., Konovalov, V., Kossionides, E., Krticka, M., Lamboudis, C., Leeb, H., Lindote, A., Lopes, I., Lozano, M., Lukic, S., Marganiec, J., Marques, L., Marrone, S., Mastinu, P., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Moreau, C., Mosconi, M., Neves, F., Oberhummer, H., O'Brien, S., Oshima, M., Pancin, J., Papachristodoulou, C., Papadopoulos, C., Paradela, C., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Pavlopoulos, P., Perrot, L., Plag, R., Plompen, A., Plukis, A., Poch, A., Pretel, C., Quesada, J., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rosetti, M., Rubbia, C., Rudolf, G., Rullhusen, P., Salgado, J., Sarchiapone, L., Stephan, C., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tassan-Got, L., Tavora, L., Terlizzi, R., Vannini, G., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Villamarin, D., Vincente, M. C., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Voss, F., Wendler, H., Wiescher, M. & Wisshak, K., 2005, Int Conf on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Pts 1 and 2. Haight, R. C., Chadwick, M. B., Kawano, T. & Talou, P. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 1470-1473 4 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 769).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • Measurements at n_TOF of the neutron capture cross section of minor actinides relevant to the nuclear waste transmutation

    Cano-Ott, D., Abbondanno, U., Aerts, G., Alvarez, H., Alvarez-Velarde, F., Andriamonje, S., Andrzejewski, J., Assimakopoulos, P., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., Baumann, P., Becvai, F., Benlliure, J., Berthoumieux, E., Calvino, F., Capote, R., de Albornoz, A. C., Cennini, P., Chepel, V. & Chiaveri, E. & 102 others, Colonna, N., Cortes, G., Cortina, D., Couture, A., Cox, J., David, S., Dolfini, R., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dridi, W., Duran, R. B., Embid-Segura, M., Ferrant, L., Ferrari, A., Fitzpatrick, L., Ferreira-Marques, R., Frais-Koelbl, H., Fujii, K., Furman, W., Goncalves, I. F., Gallino, R., Gonzalez-Romero, E., Goverdovski, A., Gramegna, F., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Gunsing, F., Haas, B., Haight, R., Heil, M., Herrera-Martinez, A., Igashira, M., Isaev, S., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Kappeler, F., Karamanis, D., Karadimos, D., Kerveno, M., Ketlerov, V., Koehler, P., Konovalov, V., Kossionides, E., Krticka, M., Lamboudis, C., Leeb, H., Lindote, A., Lopes, I., Lozano, M., Lukic, S., Marganiec, J., Marques, L., Marrone, S., Mastinu, P., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Moreau, C., Mosconi, M., Neves, F., Oberhummer, H., O'Brien, S., Oshima, M., Pancin, J., Papachristodoulou, C., Papadopouloso, C., Papaevangelou, T., Paradela, C., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Pavlopoulos, P., Perdikakis, G., Perrot, L., Plag, R., Plompen, A., Plukis, A., Poch, A., Pretel, C., Quesada, J., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rosetti, M., Rubbia, C., Rudolf, G., Rullhusen, P., Salgado, J., Sarchiapone, L., Stephan, C., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tassan-Got, L., Tavora, L., Terlizzi, R., Vannini, G., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Villamarin, D., Vincente, M. C., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Voss, F., Wendler, H., Wiescher, M. & Wisshak, K., 2005, Int Conf on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Pts 1 and 2. Haight, R. C., Chadwick, M. B., Kawano, T. & Talou, P. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 1442-1445 4 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 769).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    3 Citations (Scopus)
  • Multi-frequency Polarization Properties of Blazars

    Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Stevens, J. A., Robson, E. I., Lister, M., Stirling, A. M., Smith, P. S., Cawthorne, T. V., Gomez, J.-L., Gabuzda, D. & Gear, W. K., 2005, In: Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions - ASP Conf Series 343. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 469-73

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    36 Downloads (Pure)
  • Near Infrared Polarimetry of IRAS 19306+1407

    Lowe, K. & Gledhill, T., 2005, In: Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions - ASP Conf Series 343. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 282-3

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    44 Downloads (Pure)
  • Near-IR imaging Polarimetry of Dust-debris Disk Candidates

    Hales, A., Barlow, M. J. & Gledhill, T., 2005, In: Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions - ASP Conf Series 343. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 275-6

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    74 Downloads (Pure)
  • Neutron capture cross sections for the Re/Os clock

    Mosconi, M., Mengoni, A., Heil, M., Kappeler, F., Aerts, G., Terlizzi, R., Abbondanno, U., Alvarez, H., Alvarez-Velarde, F., Andriamojie, S., Andrzejewski, J., Assimakopoulos, R., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., Baumann, P., Becvar, F., Benlliure, J., Berthoumieux, E., Calvino, F. & Cano-Ott, D. & 99 others, Capote, R., de Albornoz, A. C., Cennini, R., Chiaveri, E., Colonna, N., Cortes, G., Cortina, D., Couture, A., Cox, J., David, S., Dolfini, R., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dridi, W., Duran, R. B., Embid-Segura, M., Ferrant, L., Ferrari, A., Fitzpatrick, L., Ferreira-Marques, R., Frais-Kolbl, H., Fujii, K., Furman, W., Guerrero, C., Goncalves, I. F., Gallino, R., Gonzalez-Romero, E., Goverdovski, A., Gramegna, F., Griesmayer, E., Gunsing, F., Haas, B., Haight, R., Herrera-Martinez, A., Igashira, M., Isaev, S., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Karamanis, D., Karadimos, D., Kerveno, M., Ketlerov, V., Koehler, R., Konovalov, V., Kossionides, E., Krticka, M., Lamboudis, C., Leeb, H., Lindote, A., Lopes, I., Lozano, M., Lukic, S., Marganiec, J., Marques, L., Martone, S., Mastinu, R., Milazzo, R., Moreau, C., Neves, F., Oberhummer, H., O'Brien, S., Oshima, M., Pancin, J., Papachristodoulou, C., Papadopoulos, C., Paradela, C., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Pavlopoulos, R., Perrot, L., Plag, R., Plompen, A., Plukis, A., Poch, A., Pretel, C., Quesada, J., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rosetti, M., Rubbia, C., Rudolf, G., Rullhusen, R., Salgado, J., Sarchiapone, L., Stephan, C., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tassan-Got, L., Tavora, L., Vannini, G., Vaz, R., Ventura, A., Villamarin, D., Vincente, M. C., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Voss, F., Wendle, H., Wiescher, M. & Wisshak, K., 2005, Int Conf on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Parts 1 and 2. Haight, R. C., Chadwick, M. B., Kawano, T. & Talou, P. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 1335-1338 4 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 769).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • New measurement of the capture cross section of bismuth and lead isotopes

    Domingo-Pardo, C., Tain, J. L., Abbondanno, U., Aerts, G., Alvarez, H., Alvarez-Velarde, F., Andriamonje, S., Andrzejewski, J., Assimakopoulos, R., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., Baumann, P., Becvar, F., Benlliure, J., Berthoumieux, E., Calvino, F., Cano-Ott, D., Capote, R., de Albornoz, A. C. & Cennini, P. & 31 others, Chepel, V., Chiaveri, E., Colonna, N., Cortes, G., Cortina, D., Couture, A., Cox, J., David, S., Dolfini, R., Dridi, W., Duran, R. B., Embid-Segurao, M., Ferrant, L., Ferrari, A., Fitzpatrick, L., Ferreira-Marques, R., Frais-Koelbl, H., Fujii, K., Furman, W., Guerrero, C., Goncalves, I. F., Gallino, R., Gonzalez-Romero, E., Goverdovski, A., Gramegna, F., Griesmayer, E., Gunsing, F., Haas, B., Haight, R., Rauscher, T. & N TOF Collaboration, 2005, Int Conf on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Pts 1 and 2. Haight, R. C., Chadwick, M. B., Kawano, T. & Talou, P. (eds.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 1521-1524 4 p. (AIP Conf Procs; vol. 769).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • New Results from the Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey

    Napiwotzki, R., Karl, C., Nelemans, G., Yungelson, L., Christlieb, N., Drechsel, H., Heber, U., Homeier, D., Koester, D., Kruk, J., Leibundgut, B., Marsh, T. R., Moehler, S., Renzini, A. & Reimers, D., 2005, In: Procs of the 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs - ASP Conference Series 334. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 375-80

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    49 Downloads (Pure)
  • Opportunities for Imaging and Spectro-Polarimetry at UKIRT

    Davis, C. J., Chrysostomou, A. & Hough, J., 2005, In: Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions - ASP Conference Series 343. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 79-80

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    28 Downloads (Pure)