Projects per year
- 50 - 100 out of 312 results
Search results
Biomechanical analysis of trips and falls in at-risk groups
Amirpourabasi, A. (PI), Bottoms, L. (CoI), Greenhalgh, A. (CoI) & Pujari, A. (CoI)
New Zealand College of Chiropractic
1/11/23 → 31/07/24
Project: Research
Review and update to the GHG emission factors for the Countryside Stewardship Carbon calculator tool
Lewis, K. (PI) & Warner, D. (CoPI)
16/10/23 → 29/03/24
Project: Research
National evaluation of workplace health and wellbeing initiatives that are free at the point of use (WHIFPUs)
Lloyd, N. (PI) & Brown, K. (CoI)
1/10/23 → 31/07/24
Project: Research
Health benefits of Montmorency tart cherry juice supplementation in adults with mild to moderate Ulcerative Colitis; a placebo randomized control trial.
Bottoms, L. (PI) & Goh, S. (CoI)
1/09/23 → 1/09/24
Project: Research
PREM 2023: 2023 Kidney Patient Reported Experience Measure: Hosting, Analysis and Reporting
Busby, A. (PI), Mackintosh, L. (CoI) & Wellsted, D. (CoI)
1/08/23 → 31/07/24
Project: Research
LGBT+ inclusive education: overcoming challenges/objections and developing effective practice
Hall, J. (PI)
1/08/23 → 31/07/24
Project: Research
Symposium Proceedings: Developing resilient food space using Nature-based Solutions in Malaysia and the UK
Parham, S. (PI)
11/07/23 → 30/11/24
Project: Research
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PHRADA: Public Health Research Application and Design Service
Wellsted, D. (PI)
1/06/23 → 30/09/23
Project: Research
CLAN : Creative Learning Abilities Partnerships
Jones, J. (PI), Mathie, E. (CoI), Wythe, H. (CoI), Mengoni, S. (CoI), Attavar, R. (CoI), Wellings, A. (CoPI) & Riley, F. (CoI)
1/06/23 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
B-CAN: A Blockchain for Nigeria - Exploring Blockchain Policy and Adoption in Nigeria
Kuppuswamy, C. (PI), Ramalingam, S. (CoI), Ajetunmobi, A. (CoI), Lo Coco, L. (CoI), Gan, H. C. (CoI), Adegbite, O. (Researcher), Lampard, A. (Researcher) & Adedeji, M. A. (Researcher)
15/04/23 → 31/07/23
Project: Research
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BC4LandAdmin: Adoption of blockchain technology for land governance in Malaysia and Nigeria: Testing blockchain protocol
Ramalingam, S. (PI)
3/04/23 → 31/07/23
Project: Research
Access to mental health services and support for children and adults with neurodiversity; Affiliated to NIHR ARC East of England Mental Health Theme
Trivedi, D. (CoPI) & Ludlow, A. (CoPI)
2/01/23 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
OCD Collaborative Research Programme
Fineberg, N. (PI) & Wellsted, D. (PI)
13/10/22 → 1/05/24
Project: Research
Analysis of 2018-2019/2019-2020 National Diabetes Association (NDA) Diabetes Mellitus Chronic Kidney Disease care
Sullivan, K. (PI), Busby, A. (CoI) & Hall, N. (CoI)
3/10/22 → 29/09/23
Project: Research
Green Health Prescription Evaluation (GRAPPEL)
Howlett, N. (PI), Freethy, I. (Researcher), Lloyd, N. (Researcher), Bontoft, C. (Researcher), Newby, K. (CoI), Fakoya, O. (Researcher), Jones, J. (CoI), Smeeton, N. (CoI), Wellsted, D. (CoI), Wellings, A. (CoI), Bartington, S. (CoI), Breslin, G. (CoI), Wagner, A. P. (CoI), Miners, L. (Researcher) & Brown, K. (CoPI)
1/10/22 → 31/01/24
Project: Research
Establishing a baseline dataset of permafrost thaw-induced landslides in Adventdalen, Svalbard
Bartlett, O. (PI)
Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
12/08/22 → 19/08/22
Project: Research
Evaluation of Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (Nitrates Directive)
Lewis, K. (PI), Tzilivakis, J. (CoI), Warner, D. (CoI) & Green, A. (CoI)
18/07/22 → 31/01/24
Project: Research
QR Grant (CRiPSS, UH) on "Memory for familiar routes in typical and atypical ageing"
Markostamou, I. (PI)
11/04/22 → 10/04/23
Project: Research
SMaaS: Investigating the safety concerns about shared mobility affecting women in the context of Mobility as a Service
Catulli, M. (PI)
4/04/22 → 1/06/23
Project: Research
MaaSafe: Investigating the inclusivity and safety issues of shared mobility which affect women: the case of Mobility as a Service
Catulli, M. (PI) & Copsey, S. (CoI)
4/04/22 → 1/06/23
Project: Research
Southampton Covid Participatory Action Research and Champions initiative Evaluation (CoPACT)
Howlett, N. (PI), Bontoft, C. (Researcher), Lloyd, N. (Researcher), Freethy, I. (Researcher), Newby, K. (CoI), Fakoya, O. (Researcher), Wellings, A. (CoI), Jones, J. (CoI), Smeeton, N. (CoI), Wellsted, D. (CoI), Bartington, S. (CoI), Breslin, G. (CoI), Wagner, A. (CoI), Miners, L. (Researcher) & Brown, K. (CoPI)
1/04/22 → 30/04/23
Project: Research
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An evaluation of workplace health and wellbeing support in Walsall small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Lloyd, N. (Researcher), Wills, W. (CoPI), Brown, K. (PI), Freethy, I. (Researcher), Howlett, N. (CoI), Wellsted, D. (CoI), Jones, J. (CoI), Bontoft, C. (Researcher), Smeeton, N. (CoI), Newby, K. (CoI), Breslin, G. (CoI), Bartington, S. (CoI) & Wagner, A. (CoI)
10/01/22 → 28/02/23
Project: Research
LD + Frailty
Wellsted, D. (PI), Eriolu, A. (PI), Mullin, L. (PI) & Mengoni, S. (CoI)
1/11/21 → 31/10/22
Project: Research
Development of the Incremental II bid
Wellsted, D. (PI) & Farrington, K. (PI)
22/10/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
IEEE ICCST 2021: 54th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology: Online, hosted by the University of Hertfordshire Hatfield, UK
Ramalingam, S. (PI), Jeffrey, Z. (PI), Thomas, G. (PI) & Asef, P. (CoI)
11/10/21 → 15/10/21
Project: Research
Development of a pesticide indicator for Latvia
Lewis, K. (PI) & Tzilivakis, J. (CoPI)
20/09/21 → 12/11/21
Project: Research
A Narrative Analysis of Stories Told in the Windrush Generation and Descendants of Windrush Generation
Blumsom, J. (Researcher), Scott, J. (Researcher) & Karwatzki, E. (Researcher)
6/09/21 → 29/09/23
Project: Research
Promoting ResIlience and wellbeing through co-DEsign (PRIDE): Development of a digital resource for LGBTQ+ Youth
Lucassen, M. (PI), Brown, K. (CoI), Rimes, K. (CoI), Samra, R. (CoI) & Wallace, L. (CoI)
1/09/21 → 28/02/23
Project: Research
Title: Burden of itching in patients with moderate to advance kidney disease: A mixed-methods study
Sharma, S. (PI), Villar, E. (CoI), Fotheringham, J. (CoI), Wellsted, D. (CoI) & Farrington, K. (CoI)
2/08/21 → 31/03/22
Project: Research
Effects of a home-based physical activity programme on blood biomarkers and health-related quality of life indices in Saudi Arabian type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: a pilot randomised controlled feasibility trial.
Bottoms, L. (CoI), Sinclair, J. (PI), Mahfuuz, M. (CoPI), Ageely, H. (CoI), Allan, R. (CoI), Hummadi, A. (CoI), Darraj, H. (CoI) & Solan, Y. (CoI)
15/07/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
Unlicensed Covid-19 vaccines and test certificates on the net: Identifying and preventing harms
Corazza, O. (PI) & McSweeney, T. (CoI)
1/07/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Experiences of moral injury in healthcare workers: a rapid systematic review of qualitative studies.
Casarin, A. (PI), Beadle, E. (CoPI), Trivedi, D. (CoI), Walecka, A. (CoI) & Munro Wild, H. (Researcher)
14/06/21 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
Understanding the nature, extent and outcomes of serious and organised crime cases heard before the Crown Courts in England and Wales (2013-2019)
McSweeney, T. (PI) & Adler, J. R. (CoI)
15/05/21 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
WSA: Whole Systems Approach to Diet and Healthy Weight
Brown, K. (PI), Wills, W. (CoPI), Freethy, I. (Researcher), Smeeton, N. (Researcher), Howlett, N. (CoI), Newby, K. (CoI), Wellsted, D. (CoI), Jones, J. (CoI), Lloyd, N. (Researcher), Bontoft, C. (Researcher), Garcia Iglesias, J. (Researcher), Breslin, G. (CoI), Bartington, S. (CoI), Wagner, A. (CoI) & Wellings, A. (CoI)
NIHR - National Institute for Health Research - Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC)
1/05/21 → 31/10/22
Project: Research
CGA: CGA funding
Hawkins, J. (PI), Farrington, K. (PI) & Wellsted, D. (CoI)
10/03/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
CORePa: UK Long COVID Research Partnership
Casarin, A. (PI) & Beadle, E. (CoPI)
1/03/21 → 28/02/22
Project: Research
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Centre characteristics, practice patterns and the experience of kidney patients during the Covid-19 pandemic
Hawkins, J. (PI), Farrington, K. (CoPI) & Wellsted, D. (PI)
1/03/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
NIHR Public Health Research and Design Advice (PHRADA) Project
Lynch, J. (PI) & Wellsted, D. (CoI)
1/03/21 → 30/09/23
Project: Research
PHIRST: NERS project: Adaptation of the Welsh National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS) to virtual delivery: Evaluation of impact and opportunities
Brown, K. (PI), Wills, W. (CoPI), Bartington, S. (CoI), Howlett, N. (CoI), Breslin, G. (CoI), Jones, J. (CoI), Newby, K. (CoI), Wellsted, D. (CoI), Wagner, A. (CoI), Wellings, A. (CoI), Freethy, I. (Researcher), Lloyd, N. (Researcher), Bontoft, C. (Researcher) & Smeeton, N. (Researcher)
1/01/21 → 31/03/22
Project: Research
Engaging patients in the development and use of a self-management behaviour scale for patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis in the UK.
Munro Wild, H. (PI), Farrington, K. (CoI), Wellsted, D. (CoI), Hawkins, J. (PI), Da Silva Gane, M. (CoI), Modi, K. (CoI), Cockwell, P. (CoI) & Bristow, P. (CoI)
1/01/21 → 30/09/21
Project: Research
longCOVID Herts Community Trust project
Casarin, A. (PI) & Wellsted, D. (CoPI)
19/11/20 → 31/07/23
Project: Research
The Contribution of Physical Activity to Social Connectivity and Wellbeing in Older Adults Living with Dementia
Pike, E. (PI), Goodman, C. (CoI), Mathie, E. (CoPI) & Hadley, R. (Researcher)
2/11/20 → 1/11/22
Project: Research