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An audit and grant application for a study to explore patient and carer experience of palliative care in acute hospital setting.
Munro Wild, H. (PI), Da Silva-Gane, M. (PI) & Cruickshank , S. (PI)
1/03/25 → 28/02/26
Project: Research
'Good Enough Parenting’: Social Workers’ Experiences of Assessing Parenting in Family Safeguarding Services.
Weston, J.
Project: Research
Predisposition for egocentric navigational strategies in dysphoric and depressive humans.
Knight, R. (PI) & Simons, E. (Researcher)
Project: Research
Attitudes to testing for vCJD in haemophilia and Von Willibrand disease
Troop, N. (PI)
Project: Research
Mindfulness-based pain management in haemophilia and Von Willebrand disease
Troop, N. (PI)
Project: Research