Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 52 results
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Once upon a narrative: Storying the librarian practitioner-researcher lived experience
Scott, B. (PI)
1/09/23 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
Learning and Teaching Innovation Award 2020. Developing the use of a card resource to create a more inclusive learning environment
Jarvis, J. (PI), Clark, A. (CoI), Dickerson, C. (Researcher) & Clark, K. (CoI)
8/12/20 → 31/07/21
Project: Other
Bringing heritage assets to life: Tottenham Hotspur, community and memory, 1882 - 2018
Morris, J. (PI) & Lloyd, S. (CoI)
1/01/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Other
a Multi-Mode Data Survey To Facilitate Evaluation of Interreg VA, Investment Priority 3 – Sustainable Transport
Smyth, A. (PI)
24/01/19 → 29/05/19
Project: Other
PAS/WF3: All-in-one Personal Aerosol Sampler technology
McCluskey, D. (PI), Kaye, R. (CoI), Stanley, W. (CoI), Tracey, M. (CoI) & Kaye, P. H. (CoI)
1/09/17 → 31/05/18
Project: Research
Democratic Leadership Development Catalyst: Design, Use and Impact
Woods, P. (PI) & Roberts, A. (PI)
1/07/17 → 31/07/18
Project: Other
Further development of the Integrated Breadboard Biological Detection (IBBD) system
Johnston, I. (PI), McCluskey, D. (CoI), Tracey, M. (CoI), Tan, C. (CoI), Lodge, M. (CoI) & Wang, Y. (CoI)
1/07/17 → 31/03/18
Project: Other
WBD2: Worn Bio-detector Phase 2
McCluskey, D. (PI), Tracey, M. (CoI), Coudron, L. (CoI) & Johnston, I. (CoI)
1/04/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Other
RH2.0: Robot House 2.0
Dautenhahn, K. (PI), Walters, M. (CoI), Senior, J. (CoI) & Holthaus, P. (Researcher)
1/03/17 → 28/02/19
Project: Other
Supporting innovation and best practice in the materials supply chain
Parham, S. (PI) & McCormack, J. (CoI)
5/09/16 → 31/07/19
Project: Other
OP4RE: Online Proctoring for Remote Examination
Jefferies, A. (PI) & Barton, K. (CoI)
1/09/16 → 30/08/19
Project: Other
BB-CE: The Bootleg Benchmarks – developing and testing ‘Careers and Enterprise through the Curriculum Benchmarks.’
Culkin, N. (PI), Berry, J. (CoI) & Brentnall, C. (CoI)
1/08/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Other
PhD Student Scholarship in Engineering
Coudron, L. (PI) & Tracey, M. (CoI)
1/06/15 → 30/11/18
Project: Other
Development of Wet Foam Method of Extraction of BW Simulants from Aerosol Filters
Johnston, I. (PI), Tan, C. (CoI) & McCluskey, D. (CoI)
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
1/03/15 → 31/03/16
Project: Research
Worn bio-detector
Tracey, M. (PI), Coudron, L. (CoI) & McCluskey, D. (CoI)
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
1/12/14 → 31/10/16
Project: Research
Case Study theme: Strategic Employment Sites and Business Parks (Stage 1)
Smyth, A. (PI)
1/11/13 → 31/03/14
Project: Research
The Development of an Electrowetting on Dielectric Digital Microfluidic Bioassay Platform
Coudron, L. (PI) & Tracey, M. (PI)
1/10/13 → 30/04/14
Project: Other
Research Council UK Policy on Open Access - OA Block Grant
Martin, D. (CoI)
UKRI - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
1/09/13 → 31/08/15
Project: Other
New Town Heritage - Exploring the Boundaries
Garwood, C. (PI) & Parham, S. (CoI)
UKRI - Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
1/02/13 → 31/01/14
Project: Research
RDMTPA: Research Data Management Training in Physics and Astronomy (RDMTPA)
Worthington, B. (PI) & Hardcastle, M. (CoI)
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
1/06/12 → 31/05/13
Project: Research
The Development of an Automated Electrowetting Based Droplet Actuation System *option 'B' *
Tracey, M. (PI), Johnston, I. (CoI), Coudron, L. (Researcher), Munro, I. (Researcher) & McCluskey, D. (Researcher)
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
1/05/12 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Service Oriented Toolkit for Research Data Management
Hitchcock, T. (PI), Sokhi, R. (CoI), Wellsted, D. (CoI) & Worthington, B. (Researcher)
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
1/10/11 → 30/03/13
Project: Research
Service Oriented Toolkit for Research Data Management
Wellsted, D. (PI), Hitchcock, T. (CoI), Sokhi, R. (CoI) & Worthington, B. (Researcher)
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
1/10/11 → 1/03/13
Project: Research
Service Oriented Toolkit for Research Data Management
Sokhi, R. (PI), Hitchcock, T. (CoI), Wellsted, D. (CoI) & Worthington, B. (Researcher)
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
1/10/11 → 31/03/13
Project: Research
Developing an Inclusive Culture in Higher Education.
Barefoot, H. (PI), Flynn, S. (CoI), Wright, M. (CoI), Stringer, V. (CoI) & Bradley, J. (PI)
1/09/11 → 31/07/12
Project: Other
File -
JISC Relationship management programme -Alumi Engament Alumi Link
Culkin, N. (PI) & Morawetz, N. (CoI)
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
1/02/11 → 31/07/13
Project: Research
Kourtessis, P. (PI) & Senior, J. (CoI)
European Commission (EC) - Horizon 2020
1/04/10 → 31/03/13
Project: Research
Hewitt, J. (PI)
European Commission (EC) - Horizon 2020
1/01/10 → 31/12/12
Project: Research
Student lifecycle relationship management pilot projects
Culkin, N. (PI) & Morawetz, N. (CoI)
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
1/07/09 → 30/04/10
Project: Research
KTP - Stevenage Circuits Ltd. Scheduling and Capacity Planning
Combes, A. (PI) & Day, R. (CoI)
1/03/07 → 28/02/09
Project: Research
Travel Grant Network and Optical Comms
Senior, J. (PI)
Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE)
11/07/06 → 17/07/06
Project: Research
KTP - On Track International Ltd. To develop a learning platform, known as a Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver e-learning programmes to clients and to develop innovative ways of developing and delivering e-learning programmes
Hewitt, J. (PI) & Sapsford, J. (CoI)
1/04/06 → 31/03/08
Project: Research
KTP - TES Consulting Ltd, Implement strategic Marketing System
Culkin, N. (PI) & Wells, R. (CoI)
1/06/05 → 31/05/07
Project: Research
Teaching English
Maunder, A. (PI) & Clutterbuck, A. (CoI)
Royal Holloway University of London/LTSN
1/10/04 → 31/12/05
Project: Research
Europe Universities - Enterprise Education
Culkin, N. (PI) & Randle, K. (CoI)
European Commission (EC) - Horizon 2020
1/09/04 → 28/02/06
Project: Research
User Voice Identification (URVIN)
Ariyaeeinia, A. (PI), Findlay, P. (CoI) & Sotudeh, R. (CoI)
Department of Trade and Industry
1/06/03 → 30/06/05
Project: Research
Teaching Company Scheme and Keyphoto LTD
Culkin, N. (PI) & Large, C. (CoI)
28/02/03 → 27/02/05
Project: Research
Electronics Design Programme
Findlay, P. (PI)
Department of Trade and Industry
1/01/03 → 31/01/04
Project: Research