Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 528 results
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ERACC: Enhanced Recovery After Critical Care (ERACC): Developing and Testing a Care Pathway for Patients Discharged From ICU
Pattison, N. (PI)
1/01/25 → 31/12/30
Project: Research
An exploration of Professional Craft Knowledge in contemporary physiotherapy practice
Room, J. (PI), Barker, K. (CoI) & Minns Lowe, C. (CoI)
1/01/25 → 30/06/26
Project: Research
Evaluation of a hypertension case finding pilot in Hertfordshire and West Essex
Hadley, R. (PI), Whiting, L. (CoI) & Mutare, S. (CoI)
1/11/24 → 31/07/25
Project: Research
PANELS: Participation of underserved young people in North East London health and wellbeing services
Brady, L.-M. (PI) & Trivedi, D. (CoI)
1/11/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
WRAPPED II: Reducing sexually transmitted infections amongst those at highest risk: The Wrapped randomised controlled trial
Newby, K. (PI), Brown, K. (CoI) & Brady, L.-M. (CoI)
NIHR - National Institute for Health Research - Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC)
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Research
PRONET: Experiences of taking part in Parkinson’s research - a conference for the Parkinson’s Research Outreach Network (PRONET) at UH
Hadley, R. (PI) & Annett, L. (CoI)
1/10/24 → 31/07/25
Project: Research
Evaluation of a whole family relationship support service
Godbold, R. (PI) & Whiting, L. (CoI)
1/09/24 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
SCR HEIF 2024: Economic value assessment for Organ-on-a-chip (OOC) use within safety toxicology
Fry, J. (PI), Lione, L. (CoI) & Kelly, M. (CoI)
12/08/24 → 28/03/25
Project: Research
PRONET at UH: Parkinson's Research Outreach Network at the University of Hertfordshire
Annett, L. (PI), Hadley, R. (PI), Iravani, M. (PI) & Yousif, N. (PI)
10/04/24 → …
Project: Research
ASCENT: Social care research development
Almack, K. (PI) & Mioshi, E. (CoI)
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Research
Understanding School non-attendance
Chavda, J. (Researcher), Denyer, L. (Researcher) & Ludlow, A. (PI)
1/03/24 → …
Project: Research
The Inspirited Minds Adapted Intervention: Feasibility study of a faith-based culturally adapted intervention to promote mental health and well-being in young Muslim women
Trivedi, D. (PI), Wellsted, D. (CoI), Brady, L.-M. (CoI), Mengoni, S. (CoI) & Smith, M. (CoI)
1/03/24 → 28/06/26
Project: Research
PREACH: Prioritising Research through Engagement with older Adult Care Homes
Irvine, L. (PI)
1/01/24 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
Improving the care and health of people in Hertfordshire
Godbold, R. (PI)
Hertfordshire Community Nurses' Charity
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Research
Hospital@home: Hospital at home, a virtual ward concept to bridge the health and social care gap
Amirabdollahian, F. (PI), Holthaus, P. (CoI), Lakatos, G. (CoI) & Dickinson, A. (CoI)
1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
MadCrit: Exploring the racialised and sanist contentions and anti-oppressive opportunities for mental ‘health’ provision at three English universities
Ali, S. (CoI)
1/01/24 → 1/01/28
Project: Research
ELBOW: Evaluation of Live Life Better Derbyshire Health Checks with Online booking and text reminders for Wellbeing (ELBOW)
Lloyd, N. (PI), Bontoft, C. (Researcher), Jones, J. (CoI), Smeeton, N. (Researcher), Wagner, A. P. (CoI), Miners, L. (Researcher), Breslin, G. (CoI), Freethy, I. (Researcher), Howlett, N. (CoI), Kudrna, L. (CoI), Lamming, L. (Researcher), Newby, K. (CoI), Wellings, A. (CoI), Wellsted, D. (CoI) & Brown, K. (CoI)
15/09/23 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
Facilitators and Barriers of Digital Health Technologies Implementation in Hospital Settings in a Post-COVID-19 Era – A Scoping Review
Trivedi, D. (CoI) & Yew, S. Q. (PI)
3/07/23 → …
Project: Research
Bootstrap: Boosting Societal Adaptation and Mental Health in a Rapidly Digitalising, Post-Pandemic Europe
Fineberg, N. (PI), Wellsted, D. (CoI), Trivedi, D. (CoI), Jones, J. (CoI), Pellegrini, L. (CoI), Corazza, O. (CoI) & Hall, N. (CoI)
1/07/23 → 30/06/28
Project: Research
AS USUAL: Ambulance Clinicians – Capturing those Public Health Conversations
Wilson, C. (PI), Bell, F. (CoI), Crabtree, R. (CoI), Cummins, N. (CoI) & Hodson, C. (CoI)
1/04/23 → 28/02/25
Project: Research
Wills, W. (PI), Senior, J. (CoPI) & Warrener, J. (CoI)
UKRI - Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
1/04/23 → …
Project: Research
SALIENT: SALIENT (food System triALs for Impact on Environment, Nutrition and healTh)
Thompson, C. (PI)
3/01/23 → 30/11/25
Project: Research
Access to mental health services and support for children and adults with neurodiversity; Affiliated to NIHR ARC East of England Mental Health Theme
Chavda, J. (Researcher), Ludlow, A. (CoPI), Trivedi, D. (CoPI) & Denyer, L. (Researcher)
2/01/23 → …
Project: Research
Lost mothers – How women and professionals involved with the criminal justice system experience enforced separation of new-born babies.
Abbott, L. (PI)
1/12/22 → 8/12/25
Project: Research
Hertfordshire Young People's Research Advisory Group (YPAG)
Brady, L.-M. (PI), Almack, K. (CoPI), Jones, J. (CoI) & Littlechild, B. (CoI)
6/09/21 → …
Project: Other
The awarding gap in Therapeutic Radiography undergraduate education in the UK - how do experiences of ethnically diverse students in clinical placement and academic learning environments impact attainment?
Trivedi, D. (CoI), Codd, L. (Researcher) & Ramlaul, A. (CoI)
1/09/21 → 30/09/26
Project: Research
ARC's National Priority for Adult Social Care and Social Work
Tingle, A. (Researcher)
1/10/20 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
Accelerated experience-based co-design of the Haemato-Oncology Clinical Nursing Specialist Services
Pattison, N. (PI)
7/07/20 → …
Project: Other
Applied Research Collaboration in the East of England
Wills, W. (PI), Goodman, C. (CoI) & Mathie, E. (CoI)
1/10/19 → 31/03/26
Project: Research
Exploring experiences of women becoming homeless during pregnancy
Abbott, L. (PI) & Reynolds, S. (Researcher)
10/07/18 → …
Project: Research
Somatosensory profiles in a healthy sample using quantitative sensory testing (QST)
Ganatra, B. (PI)
30/11/15 → …
Project: Research
Jean Davis Award from Iolanthe Midwifery Trust and Royal College of Midwives
Abbott, L. (PI)
3/11/14 → …
Project: Other
NSEN: National Survey of the Examination of the Newborn
Jay, A. (PI), Rogers, C. (PI) & Yearley, C. (CoI)
1/10/14 → …
Project: Other
The Incarcerated Pregnancy: What is the experience of being pregnant in prison?
Abbott, L. (PI)
4/09/12 → …
Project: Other
Not started
Erasmus +: Co-applicant/Steering Group member, successful bid to EU’s ERASMUS +, Building Bridges between Europe and China to Strengthen the Social Work Profession, 2018- 2012, 130.000 € (University of Hertfordshire sum). Lead applicant, successful bid to EU’s ERASMUS +, Comparative social work between Nigeria and UK, 2018- 2011, 33.000 €
Littlechild, B. (PI)
Project: Research
NPPASC: ARC's National Priority for Adult Social Care and Social Work
Tingle, A. (Researcher) & Almack, K. (PI)
Project: Research
The Incarcerated Pregnancy: An Ethnographic Study of Perinatal Women in English Prisons
Abbott, L. (PI)
Project: Research
File -
Understanding Depression and Perceptions of Early Intervention in the British Black Community
Trivedi, D. (CoI), Lawal, O. (CoI) & Odei, G. (Researcher)
Project: Research