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IMPROVing prediction and adaptation strategies for climate Extremes affecting developing countries (IMPROVE)
1/01/25 → 30/06/28
Project: Research
TPT2024: Low-cost ceramic systems for fire and heat resistant moulding compounds and adhesive
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Research
Characterisation and Processing of Silica
Jombo, G. & Herfatmanesh, M. R.
10/10/24 → 10/12/24
Project: Consultancy
BAKLAVA: British and Korean Lidars for Atlid Validation
Tesche, M., Mueller, D., Tatarov, B., Shin, S. & Noh, Y.
Project: Research
ACCORDANCE: A Converged Copper-Optical-Radio OFDMA-based access Network with high Capacity and Flexibility
Milosavljevic, M. & Kourtessis, P.
Project: Research
Multidisciplinary workshop on Internet trolling, revenge porn and harassment
Harbinja, E., Abouzakhar, N. & Kuppuswamy, C.
Project: Research
Structural health monitoring of composites with speckle pattern
Project: Research
The Noise Handling Properties of the Talbot Algorithm for Numerically Inverting the Laplace
Defreitas, C. & Kane, S.
Project: Other
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