Projects per year
- 2,450 - 2,500 out of 2,936 results
Search results
Children with disabilities and their families
Littlechild, B. & Fearns, D.
15/09/08 → 15/02/09
Project: Research
CSTonline: Designer and managing editor of website CSTonline.
Akass, K. (PI)
5/09/08 → 31/12/15
Project: Other
Nursing and Midwifery Impact on Chronic Disease Mgt
Kendall, S. (PI)
NIHR - National Institute for Health and Research
1/09/08 → 28/02/09
Project: Research
TP10 Laser Refit and Calibration
Kaye, P. H. & Hirst, E.
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
1/09/08 → 31/10/08
Project: Research
APROACH: Analysis and Perspectives of Integrated Working in Primary Care Organisations and Care Homes
Goodman, C. (PI) & Dickinson, A. (CoI)
NIHR - National Institute for Health and Research
1/09/08 → 31/08/11
Project: Research
Non transplant listed patients project
Wellsted, D. (PI)
NHS - West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
1/09/08 → 31/12/08
Project: Research
Wot u @ Uni 4?: expectations and actuality of studying Philosophy at University
Lippitt, J. (PI) & Larvor, B. (CoI)
1/09/08 → 31/08/09
Project: Research
Developing an Evaluation Framework for Benefits Realisation
Dickerson, C. (PI), Blass, E. (CoI) & Burchell, H. (CoI)
28/08/08 → 26/11/08
Project: Research
The use of the Newsfilm online archive within a generative learning object (GLO)
Crook, D. (PI)
4/08/08 → 4/08/09
Project: Other
Detdom: Russian Orphanage, a collaborative interactive documentary project, 2008-10
Peat, V. (PI) & Dukes, P. (PI)
1/08/08 → 21/10/10
Project: Research
National Demonstrator Site Projects: Preparing a Report for the Department of Health (England)
Dickerson, C. (PI), Blass, E. (CoI) & Burchell, H. (CoI)
1/08/08 → 31/10/08
Project: Research
Development of Ice Crystal and Aerosol Scattering Model for Interpretation of Radiance and Nephelometric Data
Hesse, E. (PI), Kaye, P. H. (CoI) & Ulanowski, J. (CoI)
UKRI - Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
1/08/08 → 31/01/10
Project: Research
Optimising Antibiotic Therapy
Aldsworth, T. G. (PI) & Polani, D. (CoI)
Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM)
28/07/08 → 19/09/08
Project: Research
KTP - Procare Building Services Ltd. To develop and implement on enhanced knowledge and management information system (MIS).
Choudrie, J. & Holder, C.
28/07/08 → 31/07/10
Project: Research
Social Cognition and Social Narrative summer school, European Science Foundation (€45,000).
Hutto, D. & Gallagher, S.
7/07/08 → 13/07/08
Project: Other
Fatigue Damage of Engineering Materials
Chrysanthou, A. (PI) & Zhang, Z. (CoI)
3/07/08 → 31/07/08
Project: Research
Programming models for computational science problems
Manjunathaiah, M. (PI)
1/07/08 → 30/09/08
Project: Research
Parallel Algorithms for simulating the Fifth State of Matter
Manjunathaiah, M. (PI)
1/07/08 → 30/09/08
Project: Research
Algorithms for Constructing the Tree of Life
Manjunathaiah, M. (PI)
1/07/08 → 30/09/08
Project: Research
Computational Ecology --- a study of eco-system equilibria
Manjunathaiah, M. (PI)
1/07/08 → 30/09/08
Project: Research
Investigation of Impurities in Diclofenac
Brown, M., Stair, J. & Traynor, M.
1/07/08 → 31/03/09
Project: Research
Clinical and behavioural treatment adherence
Wellsted, D. (PI)
NHS - East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
1/07/08 → 30/09/08
Project: Research
Non-transplant listed patients
Wellsted, D. (PI)
NHS - East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
1/07/08 → 31/08/09
Project: Research
Changing Role of Gesture in the Linguistic
Pine, K. & Fletcher, B.
1/07/08 → 30/09/08
Project: Research
Review of literature addressing Pre-Dialysis Care
Wellsted, D. (PI)
NHS - East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
1/07/08 → 30/09/08
Project: Research
CNCC Networking Proposal
Gallagher, S. & Hutto, D.
European Science Foundation (ESF)
1/07/08 → 31/07/08
Project: Research
Support for TP10 Instrumentation Development
Kaye, P. H. (PI), Hirst, E. (CoI) & Stanley, W. (CoI)
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
1/07/08 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Funded: Nursing Contribution to Chronic Disease Management An integration of reviews
Trivedi, D. (CoI), Kendall, S. (PI) & Goodman, C. (CoI)
2/06/08 → 31/07/09
Project: Other
Demand planning tool for NHS Continuing Care
Chaussalet, T. J. (PI), Chahed, S. (Researcher), Demir, E. (Researcher) & Beatty, R. (Researcher)
2/06/08 → 3/11/08
Project: Other
SID3-L Instrument for LACIS Tower
Kaye, P. H., Greenaway, R. & Hirst, E.
Leibnitz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
1/06/08 → 31/05/09
Project: Research
Futura Medical Scientific Advisory Board
Brown, M., Bassin, J. & Traynor, M.
1/06/08 → 30/08/08
Project: Research
Lectureship WHHT
Wellsted, D. (PI) & Done, J. (CoI)
NHS - West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
1/06/08 → 31/10/10
Project: Research
In vitro and in vivo studies of novel nano-size polymeric drug delivery systems for the oral delivery of insulin and other therapeutic peptides
Cheng, W. P.
5/05/08 → 30/11/09
Project: Other
Development of a Topical Formulation
Brown, M., Garnier, T. & Traynor, M.
1/05/08 → 30/04/09
Project: Research
Gender Issues in Schools
Thornton, M. & Punter, A.
Training & Development Agency (TDA)
1/05/08 → 30/04/09
Project: Research
Male Perspective on Initiatives and Innovations
Thornton, M.
Training & Development Agency (TDA)
1/05/08 → 31/10/08
Project: Research