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Hertfordshire Young People's Research Advisory Group (YPAG)
Brady, L.-M. (PI), Almack, K. (CoPI), Jones, J. (CoI) & Littlechild, B. (CoI)
6/09/21 → …
Project: Other
Not started
Erasmus +: Co-applicant/Steering Group member, successful bid to EU’s ERASMUS +, Building Bridges between Europe and China to Strengthen the Social Work Profession, 2018- 2012, 130.000 € (University of Hertfordshire sum). Lead applicant, successful bid to EU’s ERASMUS +, Comparative social work between Nigeria and UK, 2018- 2011, 33.000 €
Littlechild, B. (PI)
Project: Research
Exploring the value of mental health service users in mental health research: a participatory research approach,
Littlechild, B. (PI) & Munt, C. (PI)
1/11/22 → 31/07/23
Project: Research
Research on equality and diversity in the work of the Sentencing Council
Chen, Q. (PI), Kuppuswamy, C. (CoI), Tas Cifci, F. (CoI), Littlechild, B. (CoI), Cogoni, D. (CoI), Geach, N. (CoI), Bright, A. (CoI) & Vuk, M. (CoI)
1/09/21 → 31/01/22
Project: Research
SCRiPT: Enhancing research capacity in adult social care in the East of England: testing the feasibility of Research in Practice Teams (The SCRiPT study)
Almack, K. (PI), Lynch, J. (CoI), Littlechild, B. (CoI), Yeung, E. Y. W. (CoI) & Warrener, J. (CoI)
NIHR - National Institute for Health Research - Clinical Research Network (CRN) East of England
1/06/21 → 31/05/24
Project: Research
SCRiPT - Shaping our Lives: Enhancing service user involvement
Almack, K. (CoPI), Lynch, J. (CoI), Littlechild, B. (CoI), Yeung, E. Y. W. (CoI) & Warrener, J. (CoI)
1/04/21 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
DAP: Evaluating the use of electronic simulation dolls to assess parenting capacity [DAP]
Whiting, L. (PI), Littlechild, B. (CoPI) & Petty, J. (CoPI)
1/01/20 → 31/07/24
Project: Research
YEF-FI: Youth Endowment Foundation Family Interventions
Adler, J. R. (PI), McSweeney, T. (CoI), Wellsted, D. (CoI), Littlechild, B. (CoI), Munro Wild, H. (CoI), Wyatt, S. (CoI), Sabbagh, M. (CoI), Twumasi, B. (CoI), Mengoni, S. (CoI), Irvine, K. (CoI) & Hall, N. (Researcher)
3/12/19 → 31/01/23
Project: Research
BUIPRI: Building Bridges between Europe and China to Strengthen the Social Work Profession
Warrener, J. (PI), Yeung, E. Y. W. (Researcher), Littlechild, B. (Researcher) & Shardlow, S. (Researcher)
14/06/18 → 14/10/20
Project: Other
‘Prospective Hazard Analysis and Human Factors approaches in the NHS’
Littlechild, B. (PI)
10/08/15 → 13/09/16
Project: Research
Building a comparative perspective on media representation of social work: the first step
Littlechild, B., Dwyer, A. & Ramon, S.
International Association of Schools of Social Work
1/05/15 → 1/10/15
Project: Research
Empowering LGT young people against violence: a P2P model
European Commission (EC) - Horizon 2020
1/09/13 → 30/08/15
Project: Research
Supporting employers - adult social work (CPD and the white paper)
1/02/13 → 31/03/14
Project: Research
European Masters Programme in Recovery and Social Inclusion
European Commission (EC) - Horizon 2020
1/03/12 → 28/02/15
Project: Other
Empowering women in context of Mental Health
European Commission (EC) - Horizon 2020
1/03/11 → 28/02/13
Project: Research
Community survey
Green, R. & Littlechild, B.
Riversmead Housing Association
1/05/09 → 30/10/09
Project: Research
Recovery Focus in Mental Health Services - England
NIHR - National Institute for Health and Research
1/01/09 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Children with disabilities and their families
Littlechild, B. & Fearns, D.
15/09/08 → 15/02/09
Project: Research
Restorative Justice
Littlechild, B. & Sender, H.
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
1/04/05 → 30/09/05
Project: Research
Supporting and Educating Mothers with Eating Disorders
Buckroyd, J., Buckenham, M. & Littlechild, B.
16/01/03 → 30/09/05
Project: Research