Projects per year
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An exploration of Professional Craft Knowledge in contemporary physiotherapy practice
Room, J. (PI), Barker, K. (CoI) & Minns Lowe, C. (CoI)
1/01/25 → 30/06/26
Project: Research
Not started
Collaboration with Actegy
Kumaran, B. (PI), Watson, T. (CoI), Beeton, K. (CoI) & Minns Lowe, C. (CoI)
Project: Consultancy
Work Related Well-being in the UK Physiotherapy Workplace
Minns Lowe, C. (PI), Heneghan, N. (Researcher), Beeton, K. (Researcher), Herbland, A. (Researcher), Moulson, A. (Researcher), Newman, M. (Researcher) & Owusu, N. (Researcher)
1/12/22 → 31/07/23
Project: Research
Assessment and development of Revitive technology
Minns Lowe, C. (PI)
19/10/22 → 18/10/23
Project: Research
KNOWBEST: The development of a 'toolkit' for the development and delivery of Simulation Based Learning in HEIs
Minns Lowe, C. (CoPI), Heneghan, N. (Researcher) & Beeton, K. (CoPI)
2/05/22 → 30/09/22
Project: Research
KNOWBEST: KNOWBEST: The KNOWledge, BEhaviours and Skills required of the modern physioTherapy graduate including the future role of practice based learning
Minns Lowe, C. (CoPI), Heneghan, N. (Researcher), Herbland, A. (Researcher), Atkinson, K. A. (Researcher) & Beeton, K. (CoPI)
27/09/21 → 13/04/22
Project: Research