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Applied Research Collaboration in the East of England
Wills, W. (PI), Goodman, C. (CoI) & Mathie, E. (CoI)
1/10/19 → 31/03/26
Project: Research
Developing an Innovation Hub for research with people living with multiple long-term conditions including dementia
Goodman, C. (PI), Handley, M. (CoI), Mathie, E. (CoI), Pujari, A. (CoI) & Lebcir, M. (CoI)
1/07/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
CLAN : Creative Learning Abilities Partnerships
Jones, J. (PI), Mathie, E. (CoI), Wythe, H. (CoI), Mengoni, S. (CoI), Attavar, R. (CoI), Wellings, A. (CoPI) & Riley, F. (CoI)
1/06/23 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
CHAPPI: Exploring the role of Care Home Activity Providers in facilitating Public Involvement
Irvine, L. (PI), Mathie, E. (CoI), Akdur, G. (CoI) & Hall, T. (CoI)
1/04/23 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
Beezee Bodies evaluation project
Brady, L.-M. (PI), Wills, W. (PI), Mathie, E. (PI), Almack, K. (PI) & Newman, H. (Researcher)
1/10/21 → 31/07/22
Project: Research
The Contribution of Physical Activity to Social Connectivity and Wellbeing in Older Adults Living with Dementia
Pike, E. (PI), Goodman, C. (CoI), Mathie, E. (CoPI) & Hadley, R. (Researcher)
2/11/20 → 1/11/22
Project: Research
Building a health and wellbeing research partnership with children and their families living in deprived neighbourhoods in Stevenage
Jones, J. (PI), Mathie, E. (PI) & Wills, W. (PI)
2/12/19 → 30/11/20
Project: Research
Addressing obesity among children, young people and families in Hertfordshire
Wills, W. (PI) & Mathie, E. (CoI)
1/07/19 → 30/09/19
Project: Research
Patient Involvement in Renal Units
Jones, J. (PI), Mathie, E. (CoI), Smiddy, J. (CoI), Da Silva Gane, M. (PI) & Marks, S. (CoI)
1/08/18 → 31/03/19
Project: Other
PPI-04 Completing the Feedback Cycle II: Implementation and evaluation of a regional PPI feedback tool.
Mathie, E. (PI), Wythe, H. (Researcher) & Jones, J. (Researcher)
NIHR - National Institute for Health Research - Collaborations for Leadership In Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC), NIHR - National Institute for Health and Research
1/04/17 → 30/06/18
Project: Research
YOD : Exploring care pathways for individuals diagnosed with Young Onset Dementia
Mayrhofer, A. (PI), Mathie, E. (CoI), McKeown, J. (CoI), Irvine, L. (CoI) & Walker , M. (CoI)
1/04/16 → 31/03/17
Project: Other
Mathie, E. (PI) & Kendall, S. (CoI)
1/11/14 → 30/09/19
Project: Research
RAPPORT: Public Involvement in Research: a realist evaluation of approaches, context and outcomes
Wilson, P. (PI), Goodman, C. (CoI), Kendall, S. (CoI), Howe, A. (Researcher), Poland, F. (Researcher), Staniszweska, S. (Researcher), Peckham, S. (Researcher) & Mathie, E. (Researcher)
NIHR - National Institute for Health and Research
1/04/11 → 30/09/13
Project: Research