Projects per year
Personal profile
Research interests
- The connectionist modelling of immediate serial recall and its relation to long-term sequence learning, such as seen in Hebb effects.
- The relationship between Hebb effects and language abilities, such as the learning of phonological word-forms, and disorders, such as dyslexia.
- Factors affecting pro-environmental behaviour change, with particular reference to behaviours mitigating climate change.
- The Cube Project (, and other projects promoting the reduction of carbon emissions in domestic and business settings.
- Theoretical issues relating to epistemology in cognitive psychology, including those relating to connectionist modelling, and the usefulness to cognitive psychology of brain imaging techniques.
Prof Mike Page is a cognitive psychologist with interests in two principal areas.
The first is human memory, specifically memory for sequences, in relation to which he is engaged in a major programme of joint research with colleagues in Louvain and Gent. The second is pro-environmental behaviour change: he has been, and continues to be, involved in a number of innovative projects, in particular the Cube Project (
He teaches Cognitive Psychology and is experienced in giving public presentations to a variety of audiences.
Teaching specialisms
Cognitive psychology, with a particular emphasis on human memory.
Commercial and public engagement
- The Cube Project (, a compact, energy-neutral, home, first displayed at the Edinburgh International Science Festival (QB1, April, 2011) with a production model (QB2) under development.
- A variety of projects relating to carbon-emission reduction in business (EASIER Project, 2009-12), leisure (SHARE - Small Hotels Action to Reduce Emissions, 2010-11), and communities (AGILE -Accelerating Green Informal LEarning, 2009-10).
- Public talks at a variety of venues, e.g., Royal Institution on neuromarketing; stand-up comedy at the Bright Club London; and on pro-environment behaviour change at prominent Green events.
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