I am a Principal Lecturer and EDI Co-Lead based in the Clinical Team on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire. Part of my role is to supervise trainee Major Research Projects. I supervise primarily qualitative research.
Currently I am supervising trainee research on the following:
- The extent of Expert by Experience co-production in Doctorate in Clinical Psychology training.
- Anti-Racist training within Doctorate in Clinical Psychology training.
- Dual experience (mental health professional also with lived experience) of premature termination of treatment in Anorexia Nervosa.
- Experiences of mental health professionals with a diagnosis of a 'personality disorder'.
- Experiences of Black Trainee Clinical Psychologists, with lived experience of mental health difficulties, accessing local support.
N. Kemp, K. Scior, H. Clements & K. Mackenzie-White. (2020). Supporting and valuing lived experience of mental health difficulties in clinical psychology training. The British Psychological Society.
C. Hogg & N. Kemp. (2020). Statement on clinical psychologists with lived experience of mental health difficulties. The British Psychological Society.
A. Rao, N. Kemp, G. Bhutani, R. Morris, E. Summers, K. Brown, J. Clarke & A. Neal. (2021). Building a caring work culture - what good looks like. The British Psychological Society.
My areas of interest are:
- Systemic thinking and anti-stigma work around the experiences of mental health professionals who have their own mental health difficulties.
- Burnout and moral injury in the helping professions.
- Expert by Experience co-production and co-design in mental health.
- Shamanic, animist, global earth-based spiritual practices, nature healing, forest bathing and mental health.
- Planetary health, ecocide and mental health
- Activism and mental health.