Professor Ian Johnston
- Centre for Future Societies Research
- Extracellular Vesicle Research Unit
- BioEngineering
- Microfluidics and Microengineering
- Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems
- Wolfson Centre for Biodetection and Instrumentation Research
- Department of Engineering and Technology
- School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
Person: Research, Academic Manager, Academic
Dr Loic Coudron
- Centre for Future Societies Research
- Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems
- Microfluidics and Microengineering
- BioEngineering
- Wolfson Centre for Biodetection and Instrumentation Research
- Department of Engineering and Technology
- School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
Person: Research, Academic Manager, Academic
Professor Pandelis Kourtessis
- Department of Engineering and Technology
- Centre for AI and Robotics Research
- Centre for Future Societies Research
- Optical Networks
- Communications and Intelligent Systems
- Networks and Security Research Centre
- School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
Person: Research, Academic Manager, Academic
Dr Nikolay Dimov
- Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems
- BioEngineering
- Microfluidics and Microengineering
- Extracellular Vesicle Research Unit
- School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
- Department of Engineering and Technology
- Wolfson Centre for Biodetection and Instrumentation Research
Person: Research, Academic
Professor Daniel McCluskey
- Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems
- Microfluidics and Microengineering
- BioEngineering
- Department of Engineering and Technology
- Wolfson Centre for Biodetection and Instrumentation Research
- School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
Person: Research, Senior Manager Academic, Academic
P. Puschner
External person
I. Wenzel
External person
Martin Schoeberl
External person
B Rieder
External person
Albrecht Kadlec
External person
Bernhard Rieder
External person
Ibrahim Al-Shourbaji
External person
Sajid Fadlelseed
External person
Trevor Harmon
External person
Raymond Klefstad
External person
Adrian Prantl
External person
Simon Maurer
External person
B Lisper
External person
J Gustafsson
External person
Susanne Kandl
External person
Volkmar Wieser
External person
W. Haas
External person
Pramod H. Kachare
External person
Jens Knoop
External person
S. Bünte
External person
Kevin Hammond
External person
Richard Nwawe
External person
Paul Canoville
External person
Jaime Vargas-Gonzalez
External person
Alok Verma
External person
Wolfgang Fellger
External person
Ingo Klaholz
External person
J Fauster
External person
Mohammad Najeeb Moraby
- School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire
External person
Sergio A. Dzib
External person
M. Schoberl
External person
S. Kandl
External person
Clemens Grelck
External person
James C. McGarry
External person
Laura Kovacs
External person
Adrian Ghita
External person
Daniel Kästner
External person
Luis Javier Garcia Villalba
External person
Elif Sensoy
External person
Chris Jesshope
External person
Digambar V. Puri
External person
Yi Sun
External person
Markus Schordan
External person
Syed Muhammad Kamran
- School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire
External person
Vincenzo Rosiello
External person
Michael R. Lowry
External person
Sebastian Gepperth
External person
M. Tautschnig
External person
Mohamad Abou Houran
External person
Jakob Zwirchmayr
External person
Julia Goncharenko
External person
Rachael E. H. Miles
External person
Patrick Irigo
- School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire
External person
Mads Christian Olesen
External person
Wei Hu
External person
Gilles Toffe
External person
A. Kadlec
External person
G Freiberger
External person
Himayasri Rao Lekkala
External person
Yi Sun
External person
Shavika Rastogi
External person
Hamza Hamza
External person
Brian Crook
External person
K Berkenkotter
External person
Jan Gustafsson
External person
Armelle Bonenfant
External person
Paul Sayers
External person
Kiyoshi Saito
External person
Wolfgang Puffitsch
External person
W. Zimmermann
External person
Samadhi Samararatne
- School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire
External person
K.H. (Kane) Kim
External person
Samantha Hall
External person
Hugues Cassé
External person
Christine Rochange
External person
David Haydock
- School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire
External person
Erhard Ploedereder
External person
Björn Lisper
External person
Pascal Schirmer
External person
Simon Wegener
External person
David Mayor
External person
Anish Saini
External person
Jonathan P. Reid
External person
Laurel Asimea
- School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire
External person
Philip Hoelzenspies
External person
Felix Krause
External person
Guogang Ren
- School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire
External person
Nik Dennler
External person
M. Schlager
External person
Michael Roßbory
External person
Tracy Garratt
External person
Reinhard Wilhelm
External person
Chloe Bosomworth
- School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire
External person
B. Huber
External person
Niklas Holsti
External person
Marianne de Michiel
External person
Reinhard von Hanxleden
External person
Nazrul Mohammad Islam
External person
James Newman
External person
Marc Norgate
- School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire
- National Institute of Technology Rourkela
- University of Hertfordshire
External person
Mostafa Mehanawi
External person
D. Richter
External person
Robert G. Pettit
External person
Jan Klusak
External person
R. Lang
External person