4th ACTRIS-2 WP2 Workshop, Hatfield, UK

Project: Other

Project Details


The Atmospheric Remote Sensing Laboratory at the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield, UK, will be organising an international meeting of experts and stakeholders in the field of atmospheric physics in the week from 19 to 23 November 2018.
This meeting in the framework of the European infrastructure project ACTRIS-2 (https://www.actris.eu/) will bring together about 120 European experts and stakeholders in the field of profiling of aerosols and clouds with remote-sensing instruments such as aerosol lidar, Doppler wind lidar, ceilometer, cloud radar and microwave radiometer.
The purpose of ACTRIS is to establish a continental scale infrastructure for atmospheric research with a strong focus on establishing best-practice guidelines as well as instrument quality assurance procedures and standardisation.

This workshop is embedded in the context of the wider European ACTRIS-2 research project. It is the final meeting of working group 2 of the ACTRIS-2 project. There will be a final report on the outcomes of this working group after the meeting to conclude its contribution to ACTRIS-2.

Further details on the workshop can be found here: https://www.actris.eu/Events/Eventsdescriptions/ACTRIS-2Events/FinalWP2Technicalmeeting2018.aspx
Effective start/end date1/10/1830/11/18


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