Project Details


The proposed work will help identify mental health needs and therefore research priorities across the region particularly in neurodivergent individuals who have a high prevalence of mental health problems.

Service provision to meet local needs for diverse groups is fragmented and little is known on what local provisions and research priorities are and what evaluations are needed.

Project Aims
To identify mental health provision for neurodivergent children and adults in the East of England
To address barriers and facilitators to accessing the mental health support and interventions.
Project Activity
The following activities are underway:

1. Evidence review on the barriers and facilitators of access to mental health in children and adults with ADHD
2. Qualitative analysis addressing access to mental health in adults and children with ADHD.

Key findings

Project underway
Short titleMental Health and Neurodiversity
Effective start/end date2/01/2330/09/24


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