Architectural Installation for the London Festival of Architecture

Project: Other

Project Details


This fund will contribute towards an architectural Installation for the London Festival of Architecture, Summer 2019, continuing my body of Live Project research (see section d), and showcasing collaboration between the UK and Canada. The material will be timber, used extensively in Canada, and traditionally in the UK. The focus is sustainability and use of waste material – of interest to collaborator Tabitha Binding of TRADA, and associated timber research bodies (section e). The result will be a joint paper with Dr. Ted Cavanaugh of Dalhousie.
This summer I will visit to Nova Scotia to attend the Free Lab, Live Project Architecture program at Dalhousie University, Halifax, where students design and build small structures. I will attend timber focused Labs, and make connections with key figures – including expert Dr. Cavanaugh (Professor Dalhousie and Director of Coastal Studio) - gather information on the process of making, Labs set up, and associated teaching and learning. This will involve travel to remote labs- most significantly to be involved in the completion of the Coastal Studio gridshell, Cape Breton Highlands National Park- the end of a 3 year project. Other timber labs to visit include locations in Halifax, Lower Ship Harbour, Margaree Forks, and Ward Falls.
Effective start/end date1/08/1931/08/19


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