Cosmic Curiosity: Stories that Spark the Imagination

Project: Research

Project Details


Cosmic Curiosity: Stories that Spark the Imagination is a public engagement project that will be collaborating with four local Hertfordshire located in the top 20% most deprived areas in Hertfordshire. Each library will host four astronomy story time sessions, for children aged 4-7 and their parents and carers with linked activities for each story. The aims of the project is to increase the interest of the local community in astronomy and STEM in libraries, create long lasting partnership between the Department of Physics, Astronomy and Maths (PAM) and library services and broaden families’ expectations of astronomy and STEM.
Short titleCosmic Curiosity
Effective start/end date1/11/2131/10/22


  • UKRI - Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC): £1,950.00


  • QB Astronomy
  • QC Physics
  • Space


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