Project Details
This research comprises a review of international literature on effective forms of professional learning for teacher mentors. The Department for Education August 2021 Initial Teacher Training Market Review has changed the national context, creating a need for more advocacy for mentors and high-quality mentor development. More teachers need to be mentors than previously to meet the requirements of both Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and the recently extended induction period for Early Career Teachers (ECT). Mentor training for ITE focusses on the Core Content Framework and mentor training for ECT focuses on the Early Career Framework. This emphasis on curriculum content is to the detriment of developing mentoring skills, the focus of this research. Our previous research revealed a lack of recognition for the role and the professional learning needs of mentors as school-based teacher educators. Current concern about a ‘lack of appropriately skilled or trained’ mentors [1] endorses our new focus on exploring different approaches to developing mentoring skills, drawing on international examples. We identify principles of additional essential skills needed by teachers who are mentoring, and evidence for developing those skills in ways that are practical within very restrictive time.
1 November 2021
1 November 2021
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/12/21 → 31/03/22 |
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