Experiences of an online learning programme of alternative provision for disengaged students

Project: Research

Project Details


Building on research that established the outcomes for students aged 12-18 of an online learning programme for students disengaged from school education. focused on establishing the outcomes achieved, eg student destinations and qualifications, career focus, attitudes to work and learning, and identity and aspirations, there are two strands to this continuing research. One focuses on teacher experiences of the programme as teachers transition from being a subject specialist teaching the same one or two subjects to all their classes, to teaching everything individually to 20-22 students online. The other strand focuses on the lived experiences of a cohort of young people who had dropped out of school from the age of 14 upwards to gain insight and understanding into the factors that led teenagers to disengage from education.

Layman's description

The research focuses on an online learning programme for students who don't attend schools. Strands of the research focus on the student outcomes of the programme, the experiences of teachers who adapt to the very different form of teaching (of all subjects). and the experiences of students who are or have been on the programme.

Key findings

ongoing 2023-25
Short titleInventorium
Effective start/end date1/12/231/10/25


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