Project Details


My key objective for the award is to spend the time gaining understanding and hands on experience of neuroimaging to use the data directly in my own research and to be able to ask neuroradiologists for the appropriate data in collaborations. Specifically I will learn how to collect and analyse
CT, MR and DTI data incuding how to fuse these data sets, in order to use them directly in my computational
modelling approach.
During my time at the partner organisation (ICL), I will carry out day to day shadowing of different members of the
team, including neuroradiologists, medical physicists and radiographers. I will attend the weekly MRgFUS
sessions, including the planning using the neuroimaging aquired. I will also carry out training sessions including
an IPEM approved set of "Physics of medical imaging" courses at the Institute of Cancer Research, and courses to
analyse imaging data using specific software such as the FSL course at the University of Oxford and the SPM
course at the Institute of Neurology
Short titleAcademy of Medical Science - Cross Sector Experience Awards
StatusNot started
Effective start/end date1/06/2531/05/26


  • Academy of Medical Sciences: £47,986.31


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