Project Details


While there is a consensus that integration between healthcare and social care is the necessary step to a sustainable solution for healthy ageing, significant challenges remain that affect such integration. Issues such as chronic staff shortages as well as social inequalities impact on such integration. We hypothesise that a sustainable healthy ageing is possible via ‘virtual ward at home’ concept, where elements of staff shortages and healthcare inequalities are targeted using virtualisation of a standardised service.
UH currently benefits from a national infrastructure, the Robot House, which received capital expenditure funding from EPSRC (EP/P020577/1). This facility enabled us to undertake research into ambient assisted living, via example projects such as ACCOMPANY (€4.9M) that focused on technology acceptability in support of the independence of elderly people at home. The current bid aims at taking the example ambient assisted living scenarios demonstrated at the robot house and providing these into the life elderly people living at home or under assisted living conditions.
Short titleHospital at Home
Effective start/end date1/01/2431/12/25


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