International conference on Pathways to Resilient Zero Carbon Cities, 12-13th July 2021

  • Jankovic, Ljubomir (PI)

Project: Other

Project Details


Organising and chairing international conference

Layman's description

Due to the increasing risks from global warming, optimising our cities to cut carbon emissions to zero before 2050 is seen as one of the prerequisites for a sustainable world. In response to this challenge, a number of world cities have declared carbon emergency and an aspiration to achieve zero emissions, in some cases as early as 2030, but there are no clear pathways towards that goal. Simultaneously, all cities have been caught unprepared by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, testing their resilience to extremes. As the worldwide urban population is expected to grow to nearly 70% by 2050, there is an overwhelming case for improving our future by transforming cities into resilient zero carbon communities.

Key findings

The conference gathered together an international audience of researchers, designers, experts, and policy makers to provide a forum for exchange of knowledge in the complex issues of multiple pathways towards resilient zero carbon cities.
Effective start/end date1/10/2031/01/22


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