Learning from student-teachers’ experiences of school-university partnerships in the Netherlands and England

  • White, Elizabeth (PI)
  • Timmermans, Miranda (PI)

Project: Research

Project Details


This international collaborative research project will explore the experiences of student-teachers in school-university partnerships in the Netherlands and England, focussing on dilemmas in their own learning in school or university, exploring where they encountered problems and how they resolved them and what/who supported them in this. The aim is to develop a deeper understanding of the qualities required of teacher educators within school-university partnerships. The findings will be used to develop narratives for the professional learning and development of teacher educators, and for those involved in developing partnerships, thus increasing student-teachers’ voice in partnerships.
Short titleExperiences of student-teachers
Effective start/end date1/12/2130/11/22


  • L Education (General)
  • School-university partnership;
  • Initial teacher education
  • Student-teacher
  • Professional development
  • Teacher Educator
  • Global Economy


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