Optimised Microturbine Solar Power system

Project: Research

Project Details


Optimised Microturbine Solar Power “OMSoP” is a project funded by the European
Commission 7th Framework Programme. The overall objective of this project is to
demonstrate an integrated solar dish-gas turbine system that can potentially compete with the conventional dish sterling engines. The system to be built, should be able to produce 6 kWe that is able to provide energy for small commercial business and domestic applications. The development of such small system that is economically viable, efficient, reliable and easy to maintain includes different challenges related to the optical system, micro gas turbine design, thermal storage and the control procedure.

Layman's description

The overall objective of this project is to provide and demonstrate technical solutions for the use of state-of-the-art concentrated solar power system (CSP) coupled to micro-gas turbines (MGT) to produce electricity. The intended system will be modular and capable of producing electricity in the range of 3-10 kW. The aim is to make such a system available to provide energy needs for domestic and small commercial applications. For larger energy needs, the units can be stacked by virtue of their modular nature. It can be integrated with medium and long term energy storage and/or co-firing with conventional fuels. The primary technical challenge is to enable the production of small scale cost effective, efficient, reliable and easy to maintain units.

Key findings

The main conclusion from this project is that parabolic dish micro gas turbine technology is promising to be feasible, cost effective and reliable alternative to existing solar technologies and could open new markets. A framework should be put forward to develop the technology towards commercialisation.
for full technical details of the acheivements please see below link:
StatusNot started


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