‘Prospective Hazard Analysis and Human Factors approaches in the NHS’

Project: Research

Project Details


Co-applicant and Research Board member, ‘Closing the Gap’ (2014) with lead partner Hertfordshire Partnership NHS University Foundation Trust (HPFT) - £450,000 for the national ‘Closing the Gap in Patient Safety’ programme, funded by the Health Foundation, on patient safety improvement programme within mental health care pathways, based upon developmentof Prospective Hazard Analysis and Human Factors approaches in the NHS.

Layman's description

patient safety improvement programme within mental health care pathway- I dementia and discharge settings

Key findings

The value of co-produced services based upon development of Prospective Hazard Analysis and Human Factors approaches in the NHS
Short titleProspective Hazard Analysis
Effective start/end date10/08/1513/09/16


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