Project Details


To support research in airborne biodetection the National Centre for Biodetection & Instrumentation Research (NCBIR) is being relocated to the new School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science (SPECS) building.

The NCBIR is an essential facility to find solutions to some of the biggest challenges of our time – to detect and prevent the spread of airborne disease; to protect our crops at a time of significant threats to our global food supply; and to work to identify biowarfare agents to protect our national defence and security.

The research undertaken by the NCBIR is unique within the UK. In the Research Excellence Framework 2021, 85% of SPECS research was rated world leading or internationally excellent, demonstrating the standard we are already achieving. Relocation to the new building offers a unique opportunity to co-locate the two research groups of the centre for the first time. The centre will be adjacent to our atmospheric and environmental aerosol research groups, alongside our antimicrobial nanomaterials research, bridging the research domains of environmental observation, technology development and downstream analysis
and healthcare research. With all researchers together in a single, connected space, it will facilitate frictionless inter-subject collaboration, driving sustained innovation alongside greater collaboration with other complementary disciplines.

Effective start/end date1/01/2331/12/24


  • The Wolfson Foundation: £750,000.00


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