Project Details


This Project received additional funding from:
Bambi Foundation, 8,700 Euros in 2010
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, 23,000 $Can in 2010

“The Philharmonie Project” consists of a series of three video installation works developed in collaboration with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and video production team of the Digital Concert Hall.
Works include:

The Philharmonie Project (Bruckner: Symphony No. 5, movements 1 & 4) 2011
Single channel HD video installation with stereo sound

The Philharmonie Project (Nielsen: Symphony No. 5) 2011
2-channel HD video installation with 4-channel sound

This body of work focuses on the filming of symphonic performances as a means to investigate the mediation and mechanisms at play in the televisual or virtual experience of the spectacle. Instead of filming the orchestra, the subjects are the technicians captured while filming and broadcasting live the concerts using remote controlled cameras tucked away in a studio housed above the concert hall. The installations reveal a space peripheral to our attention –a space animated by the people who labor in the production of spectacle. The installations effectively turn the performances inside out, exposing by implication an infrastructure and apparatus within an alternative harmonic and logical system.

Effective start/end date1/03/1131/12/11


  • The Quebec Arts Council: £1,920.00


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