Using Value Added data to stimulate inclusive practice

Project: Other

Project Details


A short 3 minute video presentation given at the University of Hertfordshire Annual Learning and Teaching Conference

Layman's description

The BME attainment gap has been a long-standing concern within the HE sector. Many initiatives have identified the need for Institutional commitment and senior leadership but there has been limited discussion on the importance of localised leadership to ensure that strategies are operationalised.

The consideration of programme level data (Value Added (VA) scores) enabled programme leaders to consider ethnicity related attainment gaps within their courses and to discuss appropriate actions with their teams.

Following attendance at VA workshops, structured interviews were conducted with 30 programme leaders to explore examples of inclusive practice actions identified by the programme leader as well as any potential challenges they perceived in trying to enhance inclusive practice. Objective review of AMERs plus follow up discussions enabled further identification of successes and challenges of implementation.

Examples of actions included:
• Invitation of BME industry leaders to give guest lectures
• Teaching team members having the confidence to move students beyond their friendship groups during group work
• Module leaders having reviewed their reading lists to include BME authors
• Programme leaders developing their confidence to talk explicitly about race within the context of their disciplines

Examples of common challenges included:
• Lack of understanding of students’ personal circumstances (e.g. belief and culture/family commitments/commuting issues) and trying to avoid stereotyping
• Lack of awareness of the attainment gap - some staff members not recognising that there is a problem
• Deflections to other equality issues

To support programme leaders in leading change, 11 case studies of good practice have been produced.
Short titleVideo presentation
StatusNot started


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