Project Details


In June 2024, for the third year in row, I took part in teaching on an urbanism Summer School in Venice as part of the Biennale, this year on the theme "Sustainable Healthy Cities: building for the future". Hosted in Venice over two weeks by the European Cultural Academy (ECA), the urbanism summer school was co-led by Associate Professor David Howard, director of the Oxford University’s Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation (GCHU), and Dr Matthew Hardy, King’s Foundation Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Urbanism and Kellogg College, Oxford University Senior Associate Tutor. My involvement as director of the University of Hertfordshire’s Urbanism Unit was to lead the food and urbanism theme, contribute expertise on conceptualising neighbourhoods, and help run the wider programme of teaching.

Layman's description

Taking pat in teaching and international student cohort on making sustainable places with Venice as an example of challenges and possibilities related to food and other aspects of making places.
Short titleUrbanism Summer School
Effective start/end date17/06/2429/06/24


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