Waste to wealth: The use of plastic waste to produce cheaper and better interlocking paving blocks

Project: Research

Project Details


The big data lab has successfully won a £95,000 Innovate UK grant for a collaborative project with academic and industry partners across UK and Nigeria
In a waste to wealth approach the project will recycle waste plastic, provided by waste pickers, in Nigeria into paving blocks
With the support of local waste management authority, waste pickers welfare will be improved by providing them with resources like IDs, uniforms, etc. and waste transportation means to collect plastic waste from source as against landfill.
The Big Data Lab will be using machine learning to design paving blocks mix ratios and Dr Raphael Oseghale will support the human centred research aspect of project
Effective start/end date1/11/2030/04/21


  • Health and Wellbeing
  • information and security (machine learning)


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