Ενδοοικογενειακή βία και τρόποι διαφύλαξης των γυναικών

Translated title of the contribution: Domestic Abuse and ways to support and protect women

Zoi Vardavaki

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Domestic Violence (DV) is a serious public health problem that can endanger the health of the mother and the fetus. It is estimated that DV frequency worldwide varies. The average incidence of emotional abuse is 28.4%, of physical abuse 13.8% and of sexual abuse is 8%, statistics which appear to be valid in Greece as well. It is reported that 25% of DV cases begin during pregnancy and childbirth. DV during the perinatal period is associated with adverse effects on the physical health of the mother and child. It also affects their mental health and the way women interact and bond with their babies. The approach of structured questions from midwives and health care professionals to all women during pregnancy, as a 'window of opportunity' and screening type application, has shown to increase the rate of DV reporting. The midwives must, and they also want to ask these questions. However, this is a difficult and sensitive topic to discuss, and due to lack of resources and training, fear of uncertainty about what they might discover, and what to do with this information makes this difficult to ask. Solutions include continued continuity of care, empathetic communication, a clearer framework for action and understanding of the legal framework, and access to professional support for midwives and health care professionals are discussed.
Translated title of the contributionDomestic Abuse and ways to support and protect women
Original languageOther
Title of host publicationΜαιευτική Φροντίδα στην κύηση
EditorsΑγγελική Αντωνάκου, Δημήτριος Παπουτσής
Place of PublicationCyprus
PublisherBroken Hill Publishers Ltd
Number of pages473
ISBN (Print)978-9925-563-80-7
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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