Кримінальна і фінансова відповідальність суб’єктів трудових відносин за порушення трудового законодавства України.

Translated title of the contribution: Criminal and Financial Responsibility of Subjects of Labor Relations for Violation of Labor Legislation of Ukraine

Nataliia Klietsova, Zhanna Lezhenina

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The article thoroughly investigates modern tendencies of responsibility of subjects of labor relations for violations of labor legislation. The analysis of the effectiveness of the application of criminal and financial sanctions for violation of the labor contract at the enterprise was carried out and a list of major offenses during the imposition of fines was found. We have found that under hidden labor relations, employers can carry the following types of financial penalties as: 1) the actual admission of an employee to work without the employment contract; 2) the registration of an employee for part-time work during the actual performance of work full time worked at the enterprise; 3) payment of wages (remuneration) without charge and payment of single contribution and taxes; 4) preventing the carrying out of inspections on observance of labor legislation (except for the ones listed below), creation of obstacles in its carrying out; 5) violation of the established terms of payment of wages to employees, other payments stipulated by labor legislation, more than one month, payment of them not in full; 6) the prevention of labor inspection in order to detect undeclared labor relations; 7) failure to comply with
statutory guarantees and benefits to mobilized workers; 8) Failure to comply with minimum state guarantees in the payment of wages; 9) Violation of other requirements of labor legislation, except for the specified and foreseen par. 2-7 h 2 st. 265 Labor Code. In addition, it has been proven that there is also a criminal liability of employers. In particular, the deliberate obstruction of the legal activities of trade unions, the unlawful dismissal of an employee from work on personal motives, as well as other gross violation of labor legislation, illegal
dismissal from work on personal motives or other gross violation of labor legislation, committed repeatedly, or concerning a minor, pregnant woman or a mother who has a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child,
gross violation of the labor agreement by fraud or abuse of trust or coercion to perform work, not stipulated by the agreement, gross violation of agreements about work by deceit or abuse of trust or coercion to perform work not stipulated by the agreement committed against a citizen with whom a contract for work outside Ukraine was concluded, forced to participate in a strike or prevented from participating in a strike by violence or threat of violence or by way of other illegal actions, unreasonable non-payment of wages in more than one calendar month, committed deliberately by the head of an enterprise or an individual entrepreneur, groundless non-payment of wages more than one calendar month, committed intentionally by the head of the company or a private

У статті здійснено ґрунтовне дослідження сучасних тенденцій відповідальності суб’єктів трудових відносин за порушення трудового законодавства. Проведено аналіз ефективності
застосування кримінальних та фінансових санкції за порушення трудового договору на підприємстві та виявлено перелік основних правопорушень під час накладання штрафів.
Translated title of the contribution Criminal and Financial Responsibility of Subjects of Labor Relations for Violation of Labor Legislation of Ukraine
Original languageUkranian
Pages (from-to)39–49
Number of pages11
Journalthe Journal of Eastern European Law / Журнал східноєвропейського права. – 2019. – № 59.
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • responsibility
  • hidden labor relations
  • penal sanctions
  • minimum wages
  • business entities
  • labor legislation
  • offenses


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