Міжнародні економіко-правові гарантії права на працю і соціальний захист українських трудових емігрантів в умовах війни та діджиталізації.

Nataliia Klietsova, Ruslan Shyshlevskiy, Polina Shyshlevska

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The authors have proven that the right to work, which is the basic international standard proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the countries of the European Union, Great Britain and Canada, is one of the priority provisions for Ukrainian emigrants under conditions of war today. The analysis of international legal acts, international programs of assistance to Ukrainian labour resources that have been forced to leave Ukraine, allows us to conclude that all countries of the world demonstrate stable decisions so that refugees from the Ukrainian-Russian war can provide themselves and their families with decent living conditions. We revealed that the countries of the European Union and Great Britain provide the opportunity for a free home, legal work,
education, and conditions for restoring life after severe war injuries. This
indicates that these countries ensured not only the right to work, but also
the social protection of the Ukrainian people. In its turn, Canada, providing
the right to work, encourages Ukrainian emigrants to form decent social
conditions in the country. We proved that Ukraine today suffers not only
because of the war, but also because of the migration crisis of the Ukrainian working population, which automatically turned into emigration
labor resources. Based on UN research, we found that today’s migration
policy of Ukrainians in the world can turn into “the biggest refugee crisis in
Europe of this century”.
The authors believe that the preventive measures of this phenomenon are: 1) Firstly, even the visa-free regime limits the period of free stay of Ukrainian labor emigrants abroad. 2) Secondly, the programs proposed by the European Union are also limited in time and can be extended exactly for the period of time, as long as there is a war in Ukraine. 3) Thirdly, the social standard of living of the forced Ukrainian emigrant labor resources, in the vast majority, does not provide a stable standard of living that existed in Ukraine before. Authors suppose that as the mass panic forced the Ukrainian working population to emigrate from Ukraine, so the mass desire to be at home will contribute to their return to the Motherland
Original languageUkranian
Article number10
Pages (from-to)41-49
Number of pages19
JournalЮридична Україна
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • human resources
  • Ukrainian emigrants
  • international guarantees
  • right to work
  • social protection
  • war in Ukraine
  • digitalization
  • human resources management
  • refugee protection programs
  • regulations

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