A case study on the effects of a haptic interface on human arm movements with implications for rehabilitation robotics

F Amirabdollahian, R Loureiro, W Harwin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Many different studies have proposed models for human arm trajectories, almost
all of them agreed on invariant feature of these movements, such as smooth
trajectories with straight line and uni-modal velocity profiles. We observed these
characteristics in contact with a haptic interface that might modify the movement
features. Significantly, our result showed similar characteristics for the human
reaching and returning movement for one subject. We also used the data in
comparison with the model based on the minimum jerk theory. The results
obtained from our experiments are consistent with the model based on this theory,
which suggests that our virtual trajectory is a good model of human arm
movements. Further investigation, with more number of subjects are needed to
prove these consistencies.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationProc. of the 1st Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access an d Assistive Technology (CWUAAT)
Publication statusPublished - 2002

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