A digital behaviour change intervention toincrease booking and attendance at StopSmoking Services: the MyWay feasibility RCT

Emmie Fulton, Kayleigh Kwah, Lauren Schumacher, Katie Newby, Kajal Gokal, Louise Jackson, Felix Naughton, Tim Coleman, Alun Owen, Katherine Brown

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Background: Smoking remains a leading cause of illness and preventable death. NHS Stop Smoking Services increase quitting, but, as access is in decline, cost-effective interventions are needed that promote these services. StopApp™ (Coventry University, Coventry, UK) is designed to increase booking and attendance at Stop Smoking Services.

Design: A two-arm feasibility randomised controlled trial of StopApp (intervention) compared with standard promotion and referral to Stop Smoking Services (control) was conducted to assess recruitment, attrition and health equity of the design, alongside health economic and qualitative process evaluations.

Setting: Smokers recruited via general practitioners, community settings and social media. Participants: Smokers aged ≥ 16 years were recruited in one local authority. Participants had to live or work within the local authority area, and there was a recruitment target of 120 participants. Interventions: StopApp to increase booking and attendance at Stop Smoking Services.

Main outcome measures: Participants completed baseline measures and follow-up at 2 months post randomisation entirely online. Objective data on the use of Stop Smoking Services were collected from participating Stop Smoking Services, and age groups, sex, ethnicity and socioeconomic status in baseline recruits and follow-up completers/non-completers were assessed for equity.

Results: Eligible participants (n = 123) were recruited over 116 days, with good representation of lower socioeconomic status groups; black, Asian and minority ethnic groups; and all age groups. Demographic profiles of follow-up completers and non-completers were broadly similar. The attrition rate was 51.2%
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages90
JournalPublic Health Research
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2021


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