A frame work for business process & information systems reengineering (BP&ISR)

J. Weerakkody

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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    Despite widespread interest, a growing body of work in the field, and the emergence of a number of business process reengineering (BPR) 'gurus' such as Hammer, Harrington and Davenport, very little guidance is currently available outside the large consultancy organisations on how to carry out BPR programmes (Childe et al., 1994). Few articles on reengineering provide guidance on how to do it (Mumford 1994). Earl (1994) suggests that although a number if BPR methodologies are currently being used and developed, more research is required to evaluate alternative approaches. Maull et al., (1994) report that they have identified over 20 business process reengineering approaches from case study visits to practitioner companies. Although this confirms that different organisations prefer to use different approaches for conducting business process reengineering work, Maull et al., also points out that most of these BPR approaches are centred around process identification, analysis, reengineering and implementation.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherUniversity of Hertfordshire
    Publication statusPublished - 1996

    Publication series

    NameUH Computer Science Technical Report
    PublisherUniversity of Hertfordshire


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