A High-Resolution Radio Continuum Study Of The Dwarf Irregular Galaxy IC 10

Jonathan Westcott, Elias Brinks, R. J. Beswick, V. Heesen, M. K. Argo, R. D. Baldi, D. M. Fenech, I. M. McHardy, Daniel Smith, D. R. A. Williams

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We present high-resolution e-MERLIN radio continuum maps of the Dwarf Irregular galaxy IC10 at 1.5GHz and 5GHz. We detect 11 compact sources at 1.5GHz, 5 of which have complementary detections at 5GHz. We classify 3 extended sources as compact H{\sc ii} regions within IC10, 5 sources as contaminating background galaxies and identify 3 sources which require additional observations to classify. We do not expect that any of these 3 sources are Supernova Remnants as they will likely be resolved out at the assumed distance of IC10 (0.7Mpc). We correct integrated flux densities of IC10 from the literature for contamination by unrelated background sources and obtain updated flux density measurements of $354\pm11$\,mJy at 1.5GHz and $199\pm9$\,mJy at 4.85GHz. The background contamination does not contribute significantly to the overall radio emission from IC10, so previous analysis concerning its integrated radio properties remain valid.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Early online date22 Jan 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 22 Jan 2017


  • astro-ph.GA
  • galaxies: dwarf
  • galaxies: ISM
  • ISM: supernova remnants
  • ISM: HII regions
  • techniques: high angular resolution
  • techniques: interferometric


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