A Learning Model for Effective Teaching of Entrepreneurship Engineering Using Workshop Technology As A Case Study

Musibaudeen Olatunde Idris, Oluseyi Adeyemi, Busayo Sunday Adeboye, Seun Oyelami

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For over a decade that Entrepreneurship education was introduced to the curriculum of tertiary institutions in Nigeria, majority of engineering students only acquired the skill but lacked the entrepreneurial spirit to initiate their personal engineering based ventures. This attitude could be traced to the structure of the curriculum of entrepreneurship education which is generic in nature that could hardly bring out the t echni cal entrepreneurship values that were embedded in engineering education. To close this gap, there is the need to integrate entrepreneurship education into the engineering curriculum without sacrificing the technical and professional objectives of the course. This study developed a learning model based on the course outline of Workshop Technology and the behavioural objectives of Introduction to Entrepreneurship to develop an Entrepreneurial induced version of Workshop Technology which adopted modular-based pedagogy for effective learning. The model aimed to produce entrepreneurial minded engineering graduates that will willingly prefer to create engineering ventures after graduation. The model was given a prima facial evaluation by the experts in engineering and entrepreneurship and was adjudged to be appropriate for its purpose.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2
Pages (from-to)97-105
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Engineering Education Transformations (JEET)
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 30 Oct 2021


  • Entrepreneurship, Engineering,Education, mindset, pedagogies, curriculum


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