A Multi-Body Model of the Whole Human Spine for Dynamic Analysis of Impact Situations

Volkan Esat, Memis Acar

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The 3-D multi-body model of the human spine is constructed by using the dynamic simulation software MSC.visualNastran 4D 2001. The model embodies the vertebrae, linear viscoelastic intervertebral discs, muscles retaining passive and active behaviour, and non-linear viscoelastic ligaments. The vertebrae and the other bony parts of the human spine are taken as solid models of the CT scans of human skeletal segments. The muscles are constructed incorporating all the muscle groups, including fascicles of the erector spinae and multifidus and are governed by an external software, Virtual Muscle v.3.1.5. All six common types of ligaments are introduced to the model. Intervertebral discs are modelled as bushing elements with all translational and rotational degrees of freedom, which are restricted through spring-damper relationships. The multi-body model is validated by using the experimental data either published in the literature or as obtained from several sources, including frontal, rear-end, and side impact loadings as well as vertical loading. Impact simulation and analysis results such as head rotations are presented.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of CMBBE06 International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Cote d’Azur, France
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)0-9549670-2-X
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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