A new architecture for a liberated NHS: What do general practitioners (GPs) require of diagnostic imaging departments?

Richard Price, William Cox

Research output: Working paper


Since the Health and Social Care Act (2012) passed into law, General Practitioners (GPs) have begun to adopt a pivotal role in the commissioning of services. Essentially GPs could be considered as service consumers. Analysis of GPs’ satisfaction with services may help to ensure that these services meet their needs as well as offer an opportunity to re-evaluate the quality these services provide. To date, however, there is a paucity of research relating to GPs’ satisfaction with diagnostic imaging services. This project assesses levels of GPs’ satisfaction with a diagnostic imaging service within a single locality in order to identify areas for potential service improvement. A literature review was undertaken in order to identify any gaps in the literature and pertinent themes for the second phase of the research which consisted of five semi-structured interviews with GP trainees. The results from these interviews were used to inform the construction of a satisfaction survey of all locally practicing GPs. This study found that although they are largely satisfied with the service they currently receive, there are identifiable areas for potential improvement. These are the speed with which radiological reports are generated, the detail of the reports themselves, access to reports for investigations to which GPs’ patients have been referred from other sources, access to feedback and guidance on how to make the best use of the service and access to images. Recommendations are made for implementing improvements or solutions which will address each of these areas.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusIn preparation - 2013


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