A survey of tools for modelling multimedia systems

C. Britton, S. Jones, M. Myers, M. Sharif

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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    This report summarises the results of a survey of tools for modelling multimedia systems which was carried out as part of the M3 (Modelling MultiMedia) ROPA project [BRI96]. No tool was found which concentrates specifically on the modelling of multimedia, so the survey has focused on the design components of authoring packages. This report is one of five deliverables from the M3 project; the other reports are [BRI96 a,b.c and e].
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherUniversity of Hertfordshire
    Publication statusPublished - 1996

    Publication series

    NameUH Computer Science Technical Report
    PublisherUniversity of Hertfordshire


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