A synthesis: What works to deliver optimal health outcomes for UK care home residents

Claire Goodman, Adam Gordon , Susan Davies, Andrea Mayrhofer, Maria Zubair , Tom Dening , Julienne Meyer

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting abstract


The detailed reviews, interviews and subsequent longitudinal case studies structured around a unifying realist analytical framework allowed us to establish a theory of commissioning for health care provision to care homes, which proposes that health care services will work better when: staff are explicitly tasked to work with care homes at an institutional level as well as individual residents; healthcare and care home staff are empowered to co-design their working models; where explicit expertise in dementia care is available; the role of GP as medical provider is supported by access to a wider array of services and they incorporate care management. There was no evidence from our study that a short-term focus on avoiding admissions to acute hospitals from care homes added any value to service specification or care delivery.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberIAGG 2017 World Congress
Pages (from-to)1054
Number of pages1054
JournalInnovation in Aging
Issue numberIssue 1 (Supp 1)
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2017


  • health care, models, realist review


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