Accounting for business models: Increasing the visability of stakeholders

Colin Haslam, Nicholas Tsitsianis, Tord Andersson, Pauline Gleadle

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper conceptualises a firm’s business model employing stakeholder theory as a central organising element to help inform the purpose and objective(s) of business model financial reporting and disclosure. Firms interact with a complex network of primary and secondary stakeholders to secure the value proposition of a firm’s business model. This value proposition is itself a complex amalgam of value creating, value capturing and value manipulating arrangements with stakeholders. From a financial accounting perspective the purpose of the value proposition for a firm’s business model is to sustain liquidity and solvency as a going concern.
This paper argues that stakeholder relations impact upon the financial viability of a firm’s business model value proposition. However current financial reporting by function of expenses and the central organising objectives of the accounting conceptual framework conceal firm-stakeholder relations and their impact on reported financials.
The practical implication of our paper is that ‘Business Model’ financial reporting would require a reorientation in the accounting conceptual framework that defines the objectives and purpose of financial reporting. This reorientation would involve reporting about stakeholder relations and their impact on firms financials not simply reporting financial information to ‘investors’.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)62-80
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Business Models
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jan 2015


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