An Alternative Explanation for Attribute Framing and Spillover Effects in Multidimensional Supplier Evaluation and Supplier Termination: Focusing on Asymmetries in Attention

Ricky Wong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Prior research on attribute framing has focussed on a single-dimensional evaluation. However, supplier performance is usually evaluated against multiple dimensions. This research examines framing effects on multi-dimensional supplier evaluation and investigates the interplay between framing and attention. Three online experiments involving professional participants were conducted in which a supplier performance dimension was framed either positively or negatively. The results from Studies 1A (N = 113) and 1B (N = 82) demonstrated that framing a performance dimension of supplier negatively (versus positively) lowered evaluation of other non-framed dimensions even these dimensions were presented identically. Framing a dimension negatively also impacted selection decisions, making participants more likely to discontinue purchasing from the supplier. These findings suggest that supplier evaluation and selection are susceptible to framing effects. Study 2 used a web-deployed eye-tracking experiment (N = 62) to elucidate the role of attention in framing effects. I found that performance information, when framed negatively rather than positively, received more attention. Also, attention to the framed performance dimension partially mediated the relationship between attribute framing and the evaluation of the framed dimension. This finding provides a fuller understanding of the cause of framing effect. An important managerial implication is that even when a performance indicator is a quantitative, tangible attribute, it is prudent for supply managers to reframe this indicator and check whether the same evaluation and selection decisions are made. Other managerial implications and directions for future research are also discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)262-282
Number of pages21
JournalDecision Sciences
Issue number1
Early online date25 Mar 2020
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2021


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