An Imperfectly Passive Nature: Bright Submillimeter Emission from Dust-obscured Star Formation in the z = 3.717 ldquoPassiverdquo System, ZF 20115

J.~M. Simpson, I. Smail, W.-H. Wang, D. Riechers, J.~S. Dunlop, Y. Ao, N. Bourne, A. Bunker, S.~C. Chapman, C.-C. Chen, H. Dannerbauer, J.~E. Geach, T. Goto, C.~M. Harrison, H.~S. Hwang, R.~J. Ivison, T. Kodama, C.-H. Lee, H.-M. Lee, M. LeeC.-F. Lim, M.~J. Michalowski, D.~J. Rosario, H. Shim, X.~W. Shu, A.~M. Swinbank, W.-L. Tee, Y. Toba, E. Valiante, J. Wang, X.~Z. Zheng

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22 Citations (Scopus)


The identification of high-redshift, massive galaxies with old stellar populations may pose challenges to some models of galaxy formation. However, to securely classify a galaxy as quiescent, it is necessary to exclude significant ongoing star formation, something that can be challenging to achieve at high redshifts. In this Letter, we analyze deep ALMA/870 μm and SCUBA-2/450 μm imaging of the claimed "post-starburst" galaxy ZF 20115 at z = 3.717 that exhibits a strong Balmer break and absorption lines. The rest-frame far-infrared imaging identifies a luminous starburst 0farcs4 ± 0farcs1 (~3 kpc in projection) from the position of the ultraviolet/optical emission and is consistent with lying at the redshift of ZF 20115. The star-forming component, with an obscured star formation rate of ${100}_{-70}^{+15}\,{M}_{\odot }\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$, is undetected in the rest-frame ultraviolet but contributes significantly to the lower angular resolution photometry at rest-frame wavelengths gsim3500 Å. This contribution from the obscured starburst, especially in the Spitzer/IRAC wavebands, significantly complicates the determination of a reliable stellar mass for the ZF 20015 system, and we conclude that this source does not pose a challenge to current models of galaxy formation. The multi-wavelength observations of ZF 20115 unveil a complex system with an intricate and spatially varying star formation history. ZF 20115 demonstrates that understanding high-redshift obscured starbursts will only be possible with multi-wavelength studies that include high-resolution observations, available with the James Webb Space Telescope, at mid-infrared wavelengths.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberL10
Number of pages5
JournalAstrophysical Journal Letters
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 19 Jul 2017


  • galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: starburst


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