
An apparatus for the detection of a fluid-borne particle (10) in an optically defined particle sensing zone, the apparatus comprising: i) a scattering chamber (40); ii) a means for providing a sample of fluid (34), containing the fluid-borne particle, in the form of a flow through the optically defined particle sensing zone;iii) A means for generating a beam of radiation (12) through the optically defined particle sensing zone;iv)a single reflector or refractor (14) means having a primary focus (16) within the optically defined particle sensing zone and a secondary focus (20) located outside the beam of radiation; v) a detector means comprising a first photosensitive detection area (26) a second photosensitive detection area (29); vi) a means for deriving area from the radiation detected by the first photosensitive detection area and second photosensitive detection area of the detection means wherein the single reflector or refractor means is adapted to direct radiation scattered from the fluid borne particle passing through the beam of radation within the optically defined particle sensing zone to the detection means located at the secondary focus of the single reflector or refractor means and the optically sensing zone comprises a first and a second zone
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO/2012/056217
Publication statusPublished - 3 May 2012


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