An international cooperative programme indicates the widespread occurrence of ozone injury on crops

J. Benton, J. Fuhrer, B. S. Gimeno, L. Skärby, D. Palmer-Brown, G. Ball, C. Roadknight, G. Mills

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91 Citations (Scopus)


The UN/ECE ICP-Vegetation1 routinely investigates the effects of ambient ozone pollution on crops throughout Europe. Each year, a series of co-ordinated ambient air experiments are conducted over a large area of Europe and a range of crop species are observed for the occurrence of injury following ozone episodes. In 1995 and 1996, ozone injury was observed at sites throughout Europe from United Kingdom (Nottingham) to the Russian Federation (Moscow) and from Sweden (Ostad) to Italy (Naples). The only site participating in the ICP-Vegetation where it was not observed was that at Finland (Jokioinen). Injury was identified on subterranean and white clover, French bean, soybean, tomato, and watermelon at one or more sites. Injury was also detected in gardens and on crops growing in commercial fields. Two short-term critical levels which incorporate ozone dose and air saturation vapour pressure deficit (VPD) were derived from the 1995 data. These were (i) an AOT402 of 200 ppb.h over 5 days when mean VPD (0930-1630 h) is below 1.5 kPa and (ii) an AOT40 of 500 ppb. h over 5 days when mean VPD (0930-1630 h) is above 1.5 kPa. In general, the 1996 data supported these critical levels although injury did occur on two occasions when the AOT40 was less than 50 ppb.h, and the VPD was less than 0.6 kPa. Thus, ICP-Vegetation experiments have shown that ozone injury can occur over much of Europe and that plants are most at risk in conditions of high atmospheric humidity. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-30
Number of pages12
JournalAgriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2000


  • Critical levels
  • Crops
  • Europe
  • Injury
  • Ozone


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