An Investigation into Railway Interior Design for Pregnant Occupant Safety

B. Serpil Acar, Volkan Esat

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Increasing concerns on environmental issues such as reducing emissions and carbon footprint help public transport gain popularity. This article focuses on safety investigations for pregnant occupants, in particular, on their interactions with the interior features of railway vehicles. The computational pregnant occupant model ‘Expecting’ is used to represent pregnant travellers in the railway vehicle environments. ‘Expecting’ is a computational pregnant occupant model developed at Loughborough University, UK, in order to investigate the dynamic response of pregnant women to impacts. It has been successfully utilised by the authors in various crash investigations of automobiles such as frontal impacts with real and simplified pulses. In this study, a network train is modelled to assess the suitability of interior features such as the seats, tables, and armrests for pregnant occupant. Investigations of potential injuries in this article are believed to contribute to design of more suitable interior features and hence improved safety and quality of life for pregnant women as travellers in railway vehicles.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of ICRASH2010 – International Crashworthiness Conference, Washington D.C., USA
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • pregnant traveller
  • railway vehicle
  • network train
  • interior design
  • placental abruption


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