Antarctica Silence (Polar South): [Video portraits, photographs and drawn artefacts from an artist's residency in Antarctica]

Marty St James (Other)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


Marty has been invited by the Cultural Projects for National Antarctic Affairs Argentine Chancellery to make and record a giant, complex, non-toxic print image in the snow and ice, all based on a photographic memory.
The project, which is inspired by Marty’s recent video art work Upside down world, proposes to locate the creative process in a place of flux and movement as a visual memory translated into marks in space and time. In the same way as memory is fleeting, the work aims by its construct to be a metaphor in time and space.
Artists residency February/March 2011 on Marambio and Esperanza Antarctica bases.
Series of Exhibitions:
Sur Polar II -
Sur Polar Sur III - SUR POAR 3 De Antartida a Sevilla, Espana Sala de Los Continentes patio de Las Bandera 16, Seville, Espana
5th December 2011 - 8th January 2012, Centro Hispano Americano de Cultura, Havana, Cuba/
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCentro Hispano Americano de Cultura, Havana, Cuba
Publication statusPublished - 25 Aug 2010


  • Antarctica
  • Sur Polar II
  • Exhibition
  • Sur Polar III
  • Art
  • Video Art
  • Photography
  • Drawings


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