Antimicrobial Stewardship: Shorter and Longer Courses of Antibiotics in Respiratory Tract Infection Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic at one English Foundation Trust.

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This study reveals that shorter duration of antibiotics demonstrates the same appropriateness for infections like CAP, HAP, and COPD as per local antimicrobial guidelines. Conversely, longer antibiotic durations didn't affect Bronchiectasis and Viral pneumonia appropriateness. • This highlights the potential importance of reassessing antibiotic therapy lengths to promote effective antimicrobial stewardship. In accordance with local antimicrobial guidelines, stewardship programs should consider shorter durations of antibiotic therapies to treat acute infections. Additional research is necessitated for managing patients with intricate medical histories. • This research compares the appropriateness of shorter versus longer antibiotic therapy duration, stratified by infection types and therapy duration. For Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP), shorter durations (3 or 5 days) showed more appropriateness, with 60 instances, than longer ones (7, 8, or 10 days), with 34 instances. • Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) demonstrated greater suitability with a shorter 7-day course (52 instances) than a longer 10 or 15-day course (7 instances). With COPD, a 5-day course (14 instances) was more fitting than a 7-day one (6 instances). However, in the case of Ventilator-Acquired Pneumonia (VAP), Bronchiectasis, and Viral pneumonia, the duration didn't significantly affect appropriateness (Table 1). Table 1. The appropriateness of shorter versus longer antibiotic therapy duration, stratified by infection types and therapy duration.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 14 Sept 2023
EventSaudi Society of Clinical Pharmacy: SSCP General Assembly Meeting 2023 - Crowne Plaza Riyadh RDC Hotel & Convention, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Duration: 7 Sept 20239 Sept 2023
Conference number: 3


ConferenceSaudi Society of Clinical Pharmacy: SSCP General Assembly Meeting 2023
Abbreviated titleSSCP 2023
Country/TerritorySaudi Arabia
Internet address


  • antibiotic duration
  • Antibiotics
  • Public health
  • Global Health
  • Antimicrobial
  • antimicrobial stewardship
  • antimicrobial stewardship (AMS)
  • antimicrobial resistance
  • Antibiotic safety
  • Antibiotic research
  • antibiotics
  • Antibiotic Prescribing
  • antibiotic resistance
  • Antibiotic review
  • antibiotic classification
  • Antibiotic awareness week
  • clinical perspective
  • Clinical pharmacist
  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • Clinical pharmacy
  • clinical outcomes
  • Pharmacist
  • NHS England
  • acute care
  • Secondary Care
  • Hospitals


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